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  1. D

    Diagnosing a Lynch Box Combo Problem

    I think it's the greatest amp ever made :D Well, almost... Best features are the warm glowing tube tone, great fat bottom and range. Range? Everyone knows that metal sounds -in my case Marshall JCM800 type tones- are very available but did you know that with a nice overdrive pedal I can get...
  2. D

    Diagnosing a Lynch Box Combo Problem

    Did the recommended cleaning and (drum roll) the problem is gone! Thanks!! :D
  3. D

    Diagnosing a Lynch Box Combo Problem

    What you are saying makes sense. When I pick harder then the signal current is stronger and somehow gets thing going again. I will look for a can of DeoxIT and see what happens. I also have some cheap cables in the effect loops that might be end-of-life. I'll replace those as well. Out of...
  4. D

    Diagnosing a Lynch Box Combo Problem

    My Lynch box crackles and pops and then the volume fades and eventually disappears. If start picking pretty hard or messing with guitar volume knob then the volume starts coming and wham it's all back all of the sudden but only to go back to the same behavior within a 15 minute span Not sure...
  5. D

    Brown and Brahma Module for Sale ( ** BOTH SOLD *** )

    Brahma sold. Thanks guys! :D
  6. D

    Brown and Brahma Module for Sale ( ** BOTH SOLD *** )

    Brown just sold. Brahma still available.
  7. D

    Brown and Brahma Module for Sale ( ** BOTH SOLD *** )

    Both are still available.
  8. D

    Brown and Brahma Module for Sale ( ** BOTH SOLD *** )

    Well, tastes change with age. Not really using it. I'm a lot mellower now and realizing I'm not EVH's twin. The next to go is probably the Brahma and maybe the Tweed. The Super-V and the Blackface are keepers -see what I mean about mellowing out :)
  9. D

    Brown and Brahma Module for Sale ( ** BOTH SOLD *** )

    Selling two modules: BROWN (modded) @ US$100.00 The mod is the "orange capacitor" one and it just modifies the low end a bit from stock. Sounds great, no issues and it's straightforward job to swap the orange capacitor (position C3) for the factory one and get it to the original specs. I do...
  10. D

    Scott Ian modules news!!

    That pretty much says it all... :roll:
  11. D

    Brahma Has New Face Plate, New Sound ?

    Any one know if there have been any circuitry changes in the Brahma or is the new black face plate a cosmetic lift for that old saggy look?
  12. D

    looking for acdc sound

    The Brahma and the Super-V are way cool but not for AC-DC. My AC-DC test is the intro to Shook Me All Night Long. One should hear lots of clarity no fizzing, just that nice full bodied growl -with a bit of a citrus oak after taste :D Therefore, one more vote for the Plexi module.
  13. D

    Brown and Brahma Stock Tubes

    Nope, got it through this forum. :D
  14. D

    Brown and Brahma Stock Tubes

    cool, thanks that helps.
  15. D

    Brown and Brahma Stock Tubes

    Hi I have a Brown and a Brahma heading in my direction :D Just wondering what tubes they ship with from the factory? Thanks!