Recent content by gwillis

Synergy/MTS Forum

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  1. G

    WTT : Blackface for a Clean or KH1

    I would like to trade my Blackface for a clean or KH1
  2. G

    Self modded ultra

    Hi I have a Ultra XL but i would like to add more gain ! can you help me to mod it ? thanks
  3. G

    FS: RM4 RT2/50 rig - NEVERMIND

    hi Denny so you stay with us good news :wink:
  4. G

    FS: Custom 3 $320 plus shipping

    would be interested in your custom 3 I have a blackface, KH-2 and a plexi mod SL + for trade let me known
  5. G

    need to buy and fit rm100 metal grill onto a rm100kh

    I have one that I never used that I will sell you for $30. Drop me a PM if you are interested Hi Rob If it's still availabale I will take it Gilles
  6. G

    cheap version of Metallica Kirk Hamett amp !

    you're wright scrary groove , MTS line a one of the best , I had a couples of Marshall amp and Randall MTS is very more versatile and we can mod it with geat guys on this forum , what more we can have .... :wink: only the Axe FX from Fractal audio will be maybe the next gear but will see in...
  7. G

    cheap version of Metallica Kirk Hamett amp !

    i'm not surprised that it sound not good , transistor never sound like a tube amp but why Randall made this and I don't known if Kirk approved this new amp with is name on it ? Did you try the new RT amp ?
  8. G

    cheap version of Metallica Kirk Hamett amp !

    cheap version of Metallica Kirk Hamett amp !
  9. G

    Done Deal

    it's not a must for me to have a swith ans youre right the bright swith is very usefull for me too so,. it's just more easy to set between a clean tone and a overdrive tone when you gig i think how it's working?, the fist half on the gain knob is for clean and the orther one half you have the...
  10. G

    Done Deal

    Hi I have a stock grail mint condition available to trade right now can you post a pic and do you have a push/pull swith for the gain setting ? thanks
  11. G

    Video of gig last weekend with my MTS rig...

    hey I like this song et you played very well my friend. Rock on
  12. G

    more gain with my grail

    Thanks JKD , I'm not very good with electronics but I will see if i can mod myself :wink:
  13. G

    more gain with my grail

    thanks eyeball987 for the informations the shematic of the grail should be like the recto i think ? if someone can just tell me the number on the pcb layout for resistance and cap to changes i'll to it easily and it can be fun just to tweak it like i want it. :wink: [/img][/list]
  14. G

    more gain with my grail

    I already have a tube screamer and a OD zakk but i would like to try to mod my grail myself and not add a pedal for my lead channel rock on ...
  15. G

    Rocktron Xpression & ground control pro

    Thanks Nightdare finaly a do not use 4 preset option on my ground control. I would need a CGX if i go with this option