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  1. J

    FS: Egnater MOD-50 head...

    I need to raise funds for another purchase, so I'm letting go of my Egnater MOD-50 head. It's got the dual channel Bman and SL modules and 5881 power tubes. Also comes with black and tan cover and optional footcontroller. $1,700 shipped and paypaled. Pics available upon request. I have...
  2. J

    Tung Sol vs. Sovtek 5881's...

    I know a lot of people really like 5881's in their MOD amps. People particularly seem to favor the Tung Sol's (reissue, I think). Anybody a/b'd them with Sovtek 5881's.
  3. J

    Amp master vol. vs. module master vol...

    Just wondering how folks here like to set their respective module and amp master volumes. Do you prefer to crank the module volume and then adjust the overall master to taste, or do you prefer more master volume and less volume on the module? It seems like the amp is clearer sounding the...
  4. J

    WTB Egnater MHG module...

    pm or e-mail me at [email protected] if you've got one you'd like to part with. Thanks.
  5. J

    SL2 or SL with OD pedal in front?

    Hey guys. Well, I finally pulled the trigger on a MOD50 head. I almost bought one a while ago but changed my mind and then the seller had a change of heart and decided to keep it. A while later someone else was pondering selling, but just couldn't decide. Well, he finally decided to sell and...
  6. J

    How does the low power setting on the Egnator MOD50 sound?

    Thanks guys. Your responses were VERY helpful. You've made my decision a little easier. I know the low power setting is always going to sound a little darker, but as long as it's still a useful sound, I can always EQ it to be a little brighter and clearer. Besides, warm and spongy is great...
  7. J

    How does the low power setting on the Egnator MOD50 sound?

    Hi guys. I've lurked here in the past and have always been intrigued by the Egnater gear. I'm getting ready to buy a MOD50 head and had some questions. I'm wondering how many MOD50 owners play their amp on the low power setting on a regular basis and how it sounds? As I'm sure you know, even...
  8. J

    WTB: Egnater MOD-50...

    If anyone has been thinking of letting one go, drop me a line. Thanks.
  9. J

    Tone difference between Egnater rack setup and head version?

    I know a lot of people like the handmade power amps in the Egnater heads. Do you think an Egnator M4 paired with a VHT 2/50/2 would sound just as good? And if I go with a rack system, is a power conditioner a must?
  10. J

    Why no RM50 2x12 combo?

    I actually found a couple of places selling these. Isn't it a little more than just switching tubes though to lower wattage? Anyone A/B'd the different versions of this amp (i.e. RM100 vs. RM50 head or combo) and compared tone differences? Anything significant, other than what can be...
  11. J

    Why no RM50 2x12 combo?

    Hello. I've been checking out the Randall MTS series (which is what brought me here) and one thing I wish Randall had was a 50 watt 2x12 combo. I'm hesitant to get the 1x12 for fear that it will lack some punch. Anyone gigged with the 1x12 RM50c and can share their thoughts? The 100 watt...