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  1. M

    A face on my Angel

    thanks for quote, i will think about design. as for seling, it is only mine module and i dont want to sell it)
  2. M

    A face on my Angel

    last two pics that is very like to me. but which ONE is most like?! What is your choise, guys?
  3. M

    A face on my Angel

    maibe that one?
  4. M

    A face on my Angel

    i think about face and don't know what's more suitable.. how do you think? last one is most like me.
  5. M

    A face on my Angel

    thanks))) actually it's not a problem) :wink:
  6. M

    A face on my Angel

    no no its just my module, one and not a serial. no business :)
  7. M

    A face on my Angel

    prototype version of the previous "Anger" this was draft, painting on printer at home, just look how it will look.
  8. M

    A face on my Angel

    ok, but what will Salvation say?
  9. M

    A face on my Angel

    will be Danger i think. or somethng like that)) or
  10. M

    A face on my Angel

    how about? write your favorite version please. choose 1 or 2. and this name wil be only MINE! :twisted:
  11. M

    A face on my Angel

    ****, i didn't see :cry:
  12. M

    A face on my Angel

    thanks :D
  13. M

    A face on my Angel

    final face
  14. M

    A face on my Angel

    I agree. thanks guys
  15. M

    A face on my Angel

    sory my bad english. answer in order: Of course I've seen modules salvation, but specifically to copy was not my principle, I studied the modules from different vendors in order to understand how to do so was like a native. I'll order a painting of the front panel. it is not very expensive...