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  1. SaeCarnifex

    RG-80ES full stack

    Hi All, I have an RG80 ES full stack in great condition that I am looking to find a new home for. You all know Randall, so you all know what this is. RG80 ES head and original footswitch, slanted Jaguar 2x12 cab, and straight Jaguar 2x12 cab. It is between 20 and 25 years old and is in great...
  2. SaeCarnifex

    Drop D, C#: Whats the best gauge of strings??

    I play in D standard, and C# standard. The Ernie Ball Skinny Top/Heavy Bottom have worked out awesome for me. They are 10-52.
  3. SaeCarnifex

    how to upload pictures

    Which Jackson is that? Looks like an old Performer Ps4...
  4. SaeCarnifex

    Tone help with my RG100ES

    Did you include these in the effects loop, or run them directly into the amp's input?
  5. SaeCarnifex

    any RG100ES mods?

    I'm guessing these are all possible on an RG80-ES too, correct?
  6. SaeCarnifex

    RG-80ES Power Switch

    And DP/DT of the same size should work, right? I have an RG80-es as well - did you end up fixing it?
  7. SaeCarnifex

    Randall RG100es Owners Manual

    I was looking for one for my RG80es - thank you!!!
  8. SaeCarnifex

    RG80es - distortion tone

    I have an RG80es and am looking to get a raw, but balanced/warm distortion tone out of it. What settings have some of you tried? How about for cleans, etc?
  9. SaeCarnifex

    randall 2x12 cab

    It's not one of the old square ones with Jaguars in it, is it?
  10. SaeCarnifex

    New Axe

    Looks like one that Dick Dale plays!
  11. SaeCarnifex

    why do you use EMG's?

    I prefer the 81/89 - they are high gain, and I love the look of a flat, black pickup. I have been curious about the duncan blackouts though, has anyone tried them?