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  1. T

    anybody here like the stock kh3?

    I have a stock KH-3 and find myself using it most of the time, I really like it for rhythms and leads. With some leads, I kick on my Boss super over drive and it really rocks! It is a little dirty on full gain, but just kick up the mids and treble and it cleans up! I traded my KH-2 the first...
  2. T

    Can't dial in my amp!! Help!!

    First off, just want to thank everyone for responding and helping me out. Thought I would give a quick update. Just for clarification, I don't use the boss GE-7 eq in my serial loop all the time, I was just so desperate to get a tone I was trying anything at the time... Ok, so I read through...
  3. T

    Can't dial in my amp!! Help!!

    I got an RM100KH (Kirk Hammet version) with the associated 4X12 cabinet a few weeks ago and I have not been able to dial in a tone that I like. The amp sounds very trebly and shrill without the warm saturated distortion that I'm after. At low to mid volumes it even sounds kind of garbled on...
  4. T

    KH-3 brightswitch

    I realize this has probably been answered before but I don't have time to go through 27 pages of posts and a key word search yielded little.... so any help would be greatly appreciated... Recently got my RM100KH with all three KH modules. I traded my KH-2 for a 1086 because I couldn't get a...
  5. T


    IMHO one of the better sounding clips for the KH-2 was done by audioholic It sounds great but he's running some serious gear, not just plugging straight into the amp....
  6. T


    I just got my RM100KH last week and it came with all three KH modules. I tried everything to get a good sound out of the KH-2 and just couldn't find settings that I liked. Everything I've read says you have to change the tubes to get a great sound out of it.... I wasn't ready to start...
  7. T

    Line6 POD XT Pro for effects with my Lynchbox?

    Nathan, I just setup my rig and I'm using a Rockton Xpression in the parallel loop and it sounds frickin phenominal!! Johnny
  8. T

    In Randall Heaven!!

    Cheers Everyone, Just got my RM100KH last Friday and I'm totally stoked! It took a few days to dial it in but OMG now it's totally awesome! Had been playing thru crate and vox (small practice amp) amps and didn't really now what "tone" was.... I was totally used to that mushy, saturated...