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  1. S

    Other brands of 6V6

    Hi I am currently using RM 50, and I want to put some 6V6 in my amp. The only 6V6 I have acess to are Mesa boogie, and EHX can I use those
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    RM 50 baising problem need help badly

    Jade yea man I took your advice and checked my meter, and I found out that I have put my meter in Amps ha ha ha silly me, thx man that helped me a lot
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    6V6 question?

    thats cool thx for the reply
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    6V6 question?

    I am wondering can I use EHX 6V6 for my RM50, it says that it can handle up to 475 volts IF yes how much do I bais up to
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    RM 50 baising problem need help badly

    yea the problem does follow the tube, so what would be your suggestion to fix this problem should I change both tubes or just the bad 1
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    RM 50 baising problem need help badly

    I was biasing my amp, and for some reason both of my 5881 tubes won't get bais close to .038mA. If I bais 1 tube at .038mA the other will read 52. So I tried my new pair of el34 and try to bias them again and the same thing happen 1 will read 38 and the other 1 will read 52 if anyone knows what...
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    can a rm 50 handle kt 88

    can a rm 50 handle kt 88??
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    Fostex 3180 reverb question?

    I just bought a fostex 3180 reverb unit, when I ran it with the series or paralell loop I knoticed that there is a very small amount of gain loss, and bottom lost and generally my tone got thinner. I try boosting the input on my effect but it dosen't really do anything. Moreover when I use it...
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    Reverb question?

    RD steve so you would suggest run it in series instead of paralell. If I want to run it in paralell how should I set it up. Which is the best way of running this reverb so that it acts like an amp that has a stock reverb bulit in.
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    Reverb question?

    Is the Fostex reverb unit. Model3180 any good for my RM100 running it in paralell loop.
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    MTS head RM100 for sell

    For sale is a Randall MTS head, with 3 modules XTC, Blackface and Plexi. This amp has a quads of KT88, and I can also include some near mint JJ 6L6 tubes (x4) and EHX el34 (x4). Everything is included foot switch and everything. The website below have all the information you need to know about...
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    EGNATER verb quest

    Where can I buy the egnater verb and how does it look like. I really want to get a reverb for the amp and haven't got any luck, so maybe this egnater verb will be the best choice.
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    What's next for the MTS line?

    What about a set of effects that is made for RM so that there is a whole package deal that we the customer can buy
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    Problem with MTS 212 cab?

    I got a MTS 212 cab with V30s while I was playing last night, i notice that there were slight difference in the sound between both of my speaker, to me it seems that my right speaker sounds tighter than my left speaker and my left speaker sounds a little bit higher than my right speaker, is it...
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    Need help finding good mods for my guitar hero sounds?

    I am into Japanese rock. The guy name is Tak matsumoto who is from B'z. I wonder what module would fit best for that sound. I know for a face that he uses a bonger. So my first guess would be the xtc but I still can't get close to his tone. I uses a prestige SZ.
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    how do I know if my transformer is blew? Help

    yesterday when I turn on my RM I realize that I didn't hook the head up with the speaker. But I turn the head off right away with out pluging the guitar in. Now the amp still works fine but I have only tried it in low volume. So I guess my question is there a way that I can tell if I have...
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    Got a quad of kt 88 in my amp

    I just bought a quad of ehx kt 88 tubes in my amp and they sound very good I mean really good, they do have the highs and mids of el34 and the low end of 6l6. But I ahve to remove orginal tube clam on the amp to put them in so now my question would be is it ok to do that and where can I find...
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    Need help problem with amp plz give me some suggestion?

    thx for all the help I will go an buy three preamp tube today and try it.
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    Need help problem with amp plz give me some suggestion?

    While I was playing my RM100 today, there is a suddenly lost of gain with my XTC module so I thought the problem is the XTC itself but when I switch to my plexi channel the same thing happen so I don't really know whats going on. Then I the off the amp the same thing happen inorder to fix this...
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    need help on finding good tone?

    currently I am using rm100 head with 212 v30 speaker. My modules are two xtc and blackface. I find that the sound is kind of tinny and compress. My question would be how can I thicken the sound and make it less organic. Also I am use el34s biased at 40ma. I want mod my modules but I live in...