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  1. C

    Uh oh... Should I be worried? SOLVED (or, I am an idiot)

    After assuming it was somehow tube-related, I switched out the tubes, rebiased and nothing had changed. I tried jumpering the effects loop, cleaning the tube sockets (hey, it should be done from time to time anyway, right?) I turns out the problem was SO very obvious. I'll give you a moment...
  2. C

    Uh oh... Should I be worried? SOLVED (or, I am an idiot)

    Thanks, everyone. These all make sense, I have a good feeling that one of these will be the answer. My tube amp experience is still pretty limited, so this info is all really helpful!
  3. C

    Uh oh... Should I be worried? SOLVED (or, I am an idiot)

    I took my RM20 out for it's inaugural gig last Saturday night, and it performed like a CHAMP! (not the amp, Champ, but like a champion haha) 3 hours of music, running fairly loudly. It really sat well in the mix and it had edge without being fully distorted - pretty much exactly what I was...
  4. C

    New RM20 owner, el84m?

    I asked Randall and they were super quick to reply. I'm not used to getting support that fast :lol: Anyway if any of you are interested, they said it was okay to use them. They didn't give me a range for bias, but recommended 20mV I'll leave my JJ el84s in there for now, but it's great to...
  5. C

    New RM20 owner, el84m?

    Hey everyone! I recently purchased an RM20crp on ebay and the thing is AWESOME! The modular aspect is gonna be a ton of fun to mess with, and I'm already planning on having a JTM modded by Jaded Faith into a Plexi-Tweed. I'm definitely looking forward to playing more with this amp! Anyway, I...