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  1. W

    RM100 watters - fizz / overtone

    I always think my RM50 sounds better than my RM100 but not that there's any fizzyness. Just the tone seems slightly better for some reason. Always chocked it up to the volume knob being slightly higher on the RM50 than the RM100 in a small room. I always thought it was a semi-popular opinion on...
  2. W

    Re-in love my 1086

    How is the noise on the 1087? I remember long ago I was looking at doing the added gain mod from the mods page (piggyback or replace a resistor I think) but read that it made the module pretty noisy.
  3. W

    Ugh!! Killing me!

    Link works.. Thank god for black paint.. Seems strange that the input fuse would blow from wrong impedence on switch. But I'm no expert. Hope it works out for you.
  4. W

    Re-in love my 1086

    I hated it when I first got it. Got way better when I added an EQ in the loop. Took that out when I added a JF Foglifter and loaded up with my modded modules. Then it sat for quite a while. Pulled it out and I love it again.. Great for downtuning (I don't do much) and love how it doesn't get...
  5. W

    Ugh!! Killing me!

    Yeah.. Phil sounds familiar.. And yep, that was me. Only reason I didn't come get it that day was I live in Casa Grande and couldn't get there before you closed. I literally was out the door on the way to my truck to come pick it up when I called and you said it was sold. Even the amps owner was...
  6. W

    Ugh!! Killing me!

    BTW - I was in McKnight one time to buy a broken Plexi module. Talked for a while with a bald guy just about general music BS. Seemed like a good guy. That you?
  7. W

    Ugh!! Killing me!

    Well that's just wrong! lol. Guess you're not getting good use out of it.. I'll give you $400 for all of it!! 8)
  8. W

    Re-in love my 1086

    Steel City Psycho - That's funny. I didn't even know who Dan Donnegan was when I got mine.. Mike361 - Thanks for the offer. But if I do anything it will be towards getting a Stein+. Which hopefully could happen soon..
  9. W

    Re-in love my 1086

    It was the first module I got and it's the only high gain module I have kept stock. It sat in the box for quite a while and the other day I pulled it out thinking about if I should have it base modded, or turned into a Stein+ (which I'm dying for), or... Well, I put it in the RM100 with my...
  10. W

    Egnater Tolex color?

    I bet that Bruce Egnater fella could tell you for sure.. lol. PM him, he's on here..
  11. W

    RM20 Volume Fluctuations

    After it worked fine with the Trilogy, did you re-try the module(s) you started with earlier when it was fluctuating?
  12. W

    Ugh!! Killing me!

    Off craigslist in Chandler, AZ. Guy had it set up at Mcknight to try out. I was on my way to my truck to go buy it when I called and he said it was gone.. Hopefully someone will get good use of it.
  13. W

    Ugh!! Killing me!

    Man.. Sonofabitch!!! I missed out by an hour picking up a RM100, 4x12, covers for both, footswitch, cable, and 11 MODULES!!! for $700. F@@@@#####%%%%%CK!!
  14. W

    Fog Lifter Vs MDA Board

    The difference will be more subtle on one with the correct values at the start. But there is a difference on both. I sent Rob my boards from both my RM100 (older with incorrect values) and my RM50 (newer with correct values) to be Foglifted.. The RM100 was night and day as the values were wrong...
  15. W

    Lynch box differences + more questions

    But here's something about the top one. And there's 2 on this page about 1/2 way down..
  16. W

    Lynch box differences + more questions

    Never seen one like the top head. What years are they from (SN on the back)?
  17. W

    Where to buy a blank faceplate to cover empty module slot?

    I made a few out of spare metal clipboard I found at work..
  18. W

    Duncan JB8 - unbelievable!

    I'll have to try this. I have a JB in my Model 6. I tried the A8 in a SH5 Custom (Custom8) I had in an Ibanez RGT42 and it went way too far over the top. Squealing mess. Swapped in some Blackouts instead and it's OK now. Customs aare my favorite pickup as of now. Soon as I take that A8 back out...
  19. W

    Lick my Twox

    I'd like to hear a clip of it sounding acoustic. That's a tone I haven't been able to find at all. Would be awesome! (I hate playing acoustic guitars.. lol)
  20. W

    Here we go Speaker in an RM50?

    **** Rob, slow down.. You're jumping too far ahead. I still haven't tried the CL80 (Egnater Elite 80) you recommended over a year ago yet.. lol