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  1. E

    MTS versus Dual Recto

    I hear a lot about boosting. I have an old Boss Super Overdrive pedal. I will do some research to work out the difference between boosting and overdriving/distorting.
  2. E

    MTS versus Dual Recto

    I have to get the Recto out of my system, it's something I kind of needed to find out about for myself I think or I would always wonder. I left the decision to fate to some extent, a good deal on a Recto popped up. If I am not happy I know where to go. The reported tech problems with RM100s...
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    MTS versus Dual Recto

    I just picked up a used Dual Recto half stack in Australia. The RM100 is great, but it came down to a few things (in order of importance); *The deal on the used Recto gear was good. *Resale on Recto gear is good (especially in our limited market). *If I import Randall from USA I get no warranty...
  4. E

    Transformer in RM100
  5. E

    MTS Transformer Upgrades are here!

    Have you tried them out yet? How has the change altered the sound?
  6. E

    Randall v Egnator modules

    If I get a new RM100M head can I put Randall and/or Egnator modules in it? Do Egnator modules work at their optimum in the RM100M or are they designed to work with Egnator heads? It seems the Egnator modules are dual channel so you get more options. Are they a lot more expensive? It seems you...
  7. E

    MTS versus Dual Recto

    Its a G3 series cab with 4 x V30s. I think the recto cab would be a lot better, even the Randall XL cabs would be a lot better than this cab. Just got to be sure the RM100 will fir on the recto cab. I would guess it would, but you know what can happen when you make assumptions.
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    MTS versus Dual Recto

    Just emailed the supplier to clear up the cab model.
  9. E

    MTS versus Dual Recto

    Thanks. Maybe then the way to go would be to get it in two shipments. Head then modules. What does NOS mean? Also thinking of combining RM100 with a Mesa Recto slant cab. Wondering if anyone knows dimensions of the RM100B heads? The Recto straight cab is 76cm x 36cm at the top so I guess the...
  10. E

    MTS versus Dual Recto

    Hey Waste01, how did you deal with the import duty aspect? Apparently once you go over AUD$1000 for an item it gets complicated and attracts all sorts of duty and taxes.
  11. E

    MTS versus Dual Recto

    I'm hearing you. I don't have to have one specific tone I heard on recording XYZ. In fact having something a bit different is fine, but it has to have massive balls, be as evil as f*&#k and have no hint of solid state sanitation whatsoever. EDIT - Can you plug a pair of headphones into the...
  12. E

    MTS versus Dual Recto

    JKD, thanks for the offer. Real nice of ya. Waste01, how have you found relibility of the RM100? I have been cruising through past threads in this forum and have come across a few people having weird technical difficulties including intermittent faults and LEDs not doing what they think they are...
  13. E

    MTS versus Dual Recto

    Cheers, the prices you lucky bastards pay for gear makes me turn green. Try $2,000 for an empty RM100M and $420 per module, and that's from an online discounter. Add 20%+ when bought from a store. I went to my local store and they quoted $2,500 for the head and $500 per module. How about a Dual...
  14. E

    MTS versus Dual Recto

    Thanks tonymustang302. I'm just a little further afield than Chicago. I'm in Australia. Seems that while you are loving your RM100, your Recto still holds a special place. Must be something there that the RM100 isn't quite doing for you. Either way both amps are awesome and like I think I said...
  15. E

    MTS versus Dual Recto

    Yeah thanks maximus1, I am hearing fakeness in some clips. Then I will hear one that sounds bloody awesome and that keeps me interested in the RM100. It is the availability of many tones that keeps the RM100 in the race for me. I listened to some clips of the Brahma module and found myself...
  16. E

    MTS versus Dual Recto

    JKD, it seems you have mirrored what a few people have said to me. An RM100 will go nasty, but it won't quite have the creamy overdriven tones of a Recto. "Close to a Recto" seems to crop up a bit too. Thanks for all the input.
  17. E

    MTS versus Dual Recto

    Someone commented to me that as the volume of an MTS is turned up the tone of the power amp will start to dilute the effect of the preamp modules. Thus the tone of the amp is not as variable as you might at first think (especially at higher volumes) as all modules go through the same power amp...
  18. E

    MTS versus Dual Recto

    tonymustang302, your experience with the Recto confirms the niggling doubts I had about the ability of an RM100 to out muscle a Recto. These doubts were based only on You Tube clips and I concede I am yet to hear an RM100 in the flesh, so I am definitely reserving judgement. Not bagging this amp...
  19. E

    MTS versus Dual Recto

    Thanks Smokey. You really nailed the fears involved in straying from Mesa that I have, and allayed them.
  20. E

    MTS versus Dual Recto

    Still considering both and yet to play the Randall (still waiting for my shop to get one). Flexibility is a massive plus, being able to play a Plexi and Recto inb one amp is VERY desirable. However I don't want to sacrifice any of the evil savagery of downtuned power chords. If there is one...