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  1. M

    Heavy metal tone module

    What module can i get a metallica black album tone or a shadows fall heavy metal type tone out of? Im leaning towards the xtc? I dont care about versatility in the module i just want the tone. I was thinking either ultra xl, xtc, or rectified. Help me out here.
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    Another Rig open to critique

    the tremonti wah is awesome. Iv got one. had for about a year or so. love it
  3. M

    G Major vs Rocktron Expression

    So is it fair to say that basically any foot controller or floorboard or whatever works as long as it is midi capadable?
  4. M

    G Major vs Rocktron Expression

    i dont know much about midi and how it works so help me out here ha. I want to beable to change channels on my rm100 and save the effects settings on my floorboard. Is it all in what foot controller u get, to where it can save all your effects so theres no tap dancing and change ur channels on...
  5. M

    Xpression/Midimate/Hex Pedal

    how do u like ur rocktron expression? i dont know if u listen to sevendust but on their latest record "next" they use some pretty cool techno is rare sounding effects. Can you do that with the xpression?
  6. M

    G-major switching with RM100

    Yeah i have about the same questions. I know very little about midi as well. I was also checking out the rocktron xpression. Anyone know how that is and what foot controllers do yall use to control your rm100s and your rack gear?
  7. M

    New Rig Idea

    Cool man thanks for your input. Yeah i was going to just buy the rm100m off of muscians friend a long time ago once i got all the money but then i started thinking about it again. I figure im supposed to get my first truck seeing as how i just graduated high, in about 3 days and im going to...
  8. M

    New Modules from Randall

    Hey guys I dont know much about what randall is doing module wise but hopefully you guys know some stuff. I heard they are working on a kirk hammet signature module? Dont know if thats true or not. I think a moduled based off of a peavy 5150 what be pretty sweet. Does anyone know of any new...
  9. M

    New Rig Idea

    Someone please help me out with this question. Thanks
  10. M

    XTC Module Sound Demos

    Hey thanks man, i appreciate it. Cant wait to hear both your xtc and ultra xl recordings. thanks again.
  11. M

    New Rig Idea

    So i will be able to hook all that stuff up that i want while using the randall rm100m? I know of course the head itself only has about one or so inputs for effects but since i will have a whole bunch of stuff on my rack going on isnt there something u plug all ur effects and stuff into that is...
  12. M

    New Rig Idea

    Those individual ones are discontinued and i can get them on ebay for about 2-300 dollars a piece, the pod xt pro is i think 700. I was looking at the pod xt pro for my actual amp a long time ago and decided against it. plus these 3 effects processors are all that i need for my effects, and if i...
  13. M

    New Rig Idea

    Hey guys im looking at getting an rm100m. And then im looking into getting a rack set up for effects and other stuff like that. Im not very familiar with midi, in and thru, effects loop, parallel loop, series loop or any of that stuff but heres the rig im looking at and im just trying to figure...
  14. M

    XTC Module Sound Demos

    Hey guys, I checked out Jim's sound demos of the modules and out of all the high gain modules i was most impressed with the XTC module. I really love the tone in the very begining of his demo for that module. Does anyone else have some sound clips of the XTC module that i could check out just so...
  15. M

    UltraXL in stock at again.

    Sweet man cant wait to hear the clips. Yeah let us all know when their up on your streamload site to download, cant wait to check that thing out. Thanks.
  16. M


    Its working for me now. Cant wait for the Ultra XL module sound clips.
  17. M


    Hey yeah im having the same problem, it wont allow me to listen to the clips or download them.
  18. M

    High Gain Modules and Midi Questions

    Hey yeah thanks man. Iv got some friends who were describing midi to me and their dedicated line 6 fans, and when they said you can save changes to anything on their stuff even if the knobs arnt set there, i thought u could do the same for tubes and stuff. thanks, devin
  19. M

    Line 6

    A band called Lacuna Coil plays a Line 6 Flextone II HD in the studio and live. Never seen them live but the recordings sound awesome. What do yall think of the flextone 2 hd?
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    Line 6

    I have some friends that are in a band they recorded all of their stuff with line 6. One flextone head and a pod. They are all line 6 dedicated and guided more towards them. They say they personally dont like tubes because of how much the tone changes the tubes...