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  1. M

    fuse values and types?

    I have searched the forum and found some info,but not all.I thought it would be helpful if someone gave the amp rating and type of fuse(fast-blo or slo-blo) for all of the fuses per location in the rm100 chassis,along with any of the fixes discovered(change the fuse value).It would be good to...
  2. M

    Which mods are you using for lead?

    I was using the mr.scary for lead and just boosting it.It was a little thin sounding in the lead area.I'm now using it for my main rythme sound and the xtc for solos.The xtc cut through good at our show tonight.It is really wah friendly also.
  3. M

    no reading at bias points?

    Email sent, thanks rich
  4. M

    no reading at bias points?

    Lucky guess.
  5. M

    no reading at bias points?

    You just want my mr.scary module! Anyways guys,I noticed nothing new except when I tried some other tubes they either fit extremely loose in the socket or too tight(not seating all the way).The heaters still lit and I could here a slight humming through the cabinet, transformer? Since I have...
  6. M

    no reading at bias points?

    Hey rich,how do I go about getting the amp fixed under warranty.Any authorized repair centers in the mpls.,mn. area?
  7. M

    no reading at bias points?

    Put it back together and an internal fuse blew.Back apart,replaced fuse and now no lights,fan and the 3 12ax7 tubes are not lit.Power tubes are lit and thats it.Frustrating.Fortunately its under warranty.Anything else I should check? I always had the impedence set correctly.I noticed no problems...
  8. M

    no reading at bias points?

    I found 7 fuses inside.I removed all and checked with continuity tester,all are good.Two were under the midi board.The wiring is very tidy in there.All connectors are good.Don't think there are any more fuses? Unless they are under the board.Any other ideas?
  9. M

    no reading at bias points?

    And yes the standby switch is on.
  10. M

    no reading at bias points?

    put original tubes back in,still no reading.Will check connectors.
  11. M

    no reading at bias points?

    Test leads are good.Fuses are good.Same reading on all test points.Tried rocking the leads, no help.Installed eh el34's.Had 2 6l6 in outside slots and 2 el34's(eh) in inside slots.I only swapped the two outside tubes.Before going in the amp I will put the 6l6 tubes back in and see if I get a...
  12. M

    no reading at bias points?

    Longtime lurker here.Finally registered.I started with an rm80 over a year ago and now have 2 rm100s.I'm no stranger to biasing these amps.I just swapped tubes and went to bias and got a reading of 00.0.I changed the batteries in my multimeter and bought another multimeter just in case.Still no...