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  1. D

    Randall RM50 Combo newbie

    Wow - it's been a focused week of learning. Thanks to all respondents for the education. Reading the phase inverter article was amazing - it explains so much. And maybe why the overdrive channel of my Fender Blues Deluxe sounds so crappy. I guess you can liken this to using lower output...
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    Randall RM50 Combo newbie

    Thanks guys, I now know that a JAN Phillips is a suggested replacement valve for a 12AX7. These are difficult to obtain in the UK but can be got for around ?25 each. More readily available is the EH 5751 GOLD (slightly less expensive). Question: do I simply swap the two valves in the XTC...
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    Randall RM50 Combo newbie

    Thanks for the reply JKMV12, Wow! - it's just dawned on me that the Randall world isn't just full of tone loving musicians but you guys are electrical engineers as well. I've got a lot to learn. I haven't seen the ISP Decimator here in the UK, so not sure if I will be able to try it out. With...
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    Randall RM50 Combo newbie

    Hi from the UK, Just purchased a new RM50 Combo with Blackface & XTC modules from a guitar store. Will use it to gig regularly with a Classic Rock covers band (Bad Company, Thin Lizzy. Cream etc). The Blackface module sounds superb but when switching to the XTC, the amp has undesirable...