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Synergy/MTS Forum

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  1. M

    Time for a new module?
  2. M

    Time for a new module?

    Hi! I have dual mamba for sale... :D
  3. M

    Salvation custom rack pre's.........

    Hey Matt! This is a very interesting product! Will SM2 have a midi control? Maxx
  4. M

    Production, website update

  5. M

    Salvation mods or alternative?

    For me- Salvation mods is BEST!
  6. M

    Well.. Middle of May - No word yet ?

    Oh my God... My prayer is for saving this guy!
  7. M

    Well.. Middle of May - No word yet ?

    I think it would be better for Synergy to promise nothing more, but just do something! All the subsequent chatter will only reduce the trust in them ...
  8. M

    FT/FS Salvation dual Mamba custom color SOLD!!!

    New price: $470
  9. M

    FT/FS Salvation dual Mamba custom color SOLD!!!

    this adds low mids and makes the sound more full ...
  10. M

    FT/FS Salvation dual Mamba custom color SOLD!!!

    No! It changes the sound color of the module.