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Synergy/MTS Forum

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  1. M

    FT/FS Salvation dual Mamba custom color SOLD!!!

    The channels differ in terms of gain and tone(color). The module will work perfectly with the Egnater MOD50 / MOD100 / M4 and any Synergy product.
  2. M

    FT/FS Salvation dual EQ Benzin V.Age3 custom SOLD!!!

    Delete please!
  3. M


    send PM...
  4. M

    RT2/50 mods? are there any?
  5. M

    Salvation MDA board for your RT 2/50???

    And what exactly is added "plus"?
  6. M

    Salvation MDA board for your RT 2/50???

    No doubt! I am sure that the difference is the same as on the RM50/100 heads. :wink:
  7. M

    Dual Voodoo Erect FS $300

    PM send!
  8. M

    FT/FS Salvation dual Mamba custom color SOLD!!!

    Delete please!
  9. M

    Going to have one built

    [/URL][/img] :D :D :D
  10. M

    Synergy Website is up!

    :D :D :D
  11. M

    Buddy still interesting?

    Thanks Matt! Your help is always at the time))). I have in stock: Mamba, Masholdano, Voxyface and soon I hope to get my Benzin V.age4 module... I want to find a couple of extra modules for a variety of sounds. In my list: 1. BuddY 2. Mandarine Graphic What do you think about it?
  12. M

    Buddy still interesting?

    Hi guys! Who had or has this module give us a little review ... Thanks!
  13. M

    Favourite Marshall Mod

    Masholdano - very good!
  14. M

    Synergy M4 - interest?

    [/URL][/img] I wrote to Bruce 2 years ago))))