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    no longer available

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    FS: Dual Channel Salvation Terrier $OLD

    maybe we can work something out? PM'd
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    FS: Dual Channel Salvation Terrier $OLD

    I see you got the gain dimed on the "regular" channel and just above half-way on the "high-gain" channel; is there that much more gain on the HG channel, or is it the N channel is just really low gain?
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    FS: Dual Channel Salvation Terrier $OLD

    You interested in any trades or are you lookin' for cash-only? :)
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    WTB: Donor Mods

    Looking for CHEAP donors. Working, malfunctioning, cosmetically questionable - all's welcome if they're cheap enough.
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    FS / FT : Brand-New / Mint JF6550 , JF Stein+ , SA Camerock * All Sold *

    JF6550 is sold Only Camerock is left
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    FS/FT: Brand-New Salvation Spawn (quick rod) *SOLD*

    Brand New Spawn module *SOLD*
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    Synergy modules BE, VH4, and Plexi for sale

    Just checking in myself 😁
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    FS / FT : Brand-New / Mint JF6550 , JF Stein+ , SA Camerock * All Sold *

    Brand-New/Mint JF6550 FS/FT - Just purchased from Rob like a month or so ago; 390 USD PP GIFT or add 4.5% to anywhere in Canada/Con-USA. JF 6550 - sold $425 for the Stein+ - sold $439 for the CAmerock - sold sold sold sold
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    WTB/T : looking for Salvation mods

    Trade for what? list what you're willing to part with. :)
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    FS/FT: Synergy Fryette Deliverance *no longer for sale*

    Fryette's a devisive brand - you love you it or you hate it. I actually love it, but would like a Spawn or Shiver more at the moment.
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    FS/FT: Synergy Fryette Deliverance *no longer for sale*

    Decided to keep after all - was user error, go figure.