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  1. R

    NAMM and Modules

    I would love one of those with the missing extra switches (Saturation, and Fat switches for sure. The C45 bright switch doesn't do that much and if there's no space could live without it) He could call it the HBE "Deluxe" mod :D
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  3. R

    TDLX vs BMAN Modules

    I have both, and I think the BMAN's red channel is the tighter of the two for sure. the TDLX's red channel is based off a deluxe which if I'm not mistaken is a low watt amp that people crank the crap out of to get distortion out of it so it kind has that falling-apart thing going on depending on...
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    Description/pics/price in the reverb link. If there's still a Reverb add up, the mod is still available. Happy to give a better deal to forum members who are willing deal direct with PP gifts...
  5. R

    Salvation Custom 3++

  6. R

    WTB: JF Sankebite

    Response sent
  7. R

    WTB: JF Sankebite

    I have one, so PM with what you're willing to pay. Not in a rush to move it, but would for the right price.
  8. R

    FS: Jaded Faith D-zilla

    Got it and it is great! Thanks again!
  9. R

    FS: JF and Gigmods XTC mods

    Selling two XTC mods; one JF, but an older one with with a different layout than the current prodcution option, and a Gigmods one. Pricing and pics in Reverb Links below. Happy to do a much better deal outside of Reverb a la PP gift to save you and I some money. Links...
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    FS: Jaded Faith D-zilla

    Replied to your reply 8)
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    FS: Jaded Faith D-zilla

    PM'd :)
  12. R

    SOLD S1SO, Snakebite and 3 stock Randall modules

    Really enjoying the mods! Thanks again for the deal!
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    SOLD S1SO, Snakebite and 3 stock Randall modules

    Sold! and PM'd! :D
  14. R

    SOLD: Salvation Audio Spawn ( Quick Rod )

    Sold! Dang, that was a quick one! :D
  15. R

    Synergy Friedman BE BB Module- SOLD

    dude, I think it must be the time of year or something. I can't sell that Mr. Boga to save my life, unless I want to give it away... which I'm contemplating just to free up the cash for other mods I'm actually interested in.
  16. R

    7 x Modules - Salvation, Jaded Faith and Synergy

    major deal done :D
  17. R

    Salvation Humble ***SOLD***

    Pm'd in about 2 minutes
  18. R

    Traded: Synergy 800

    Excellent to mint 800 module with original packaging. Details/Pictures/Pricing/Listing on Reverb with link below: Traded As always, happy to give a better price to forum members as we can circumvent listing fees, etc.
  19. R

    Traded: Synergy Metroplex

    Excellent to mint Metroplex module with original packaging. Details/Pictures/Pricing/Listing on Reverb with link below: Traded