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Synergy/MTS Forum

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  1. J

    Is there a more active forum?

    It does seem quieter. I wonder if the FB Synergy and MTS pages are where most people go to discuss MTS.
  2. J

    WTB Sacred Groove

    Still looking. Let me know what you have.
  3. J

    Are new Synergy Modules compatible with RM4?

    There is a member (Paul, can't remember his user name though) in the forum that sells an upgrade MIDI board to mod the RM4 to work with dual channels, I believe you can get Rob from Jaded Faith to install these boards.
  4. J

    Syn2 not responding to midi

    Have you contacted Synergy directly? I got my SYN2 from the very first batch and it had a transformer problem right away, I got in touch with the guys at Synergy and they were very quick to reply, they replaced my unit and the new unit has been working with no problems since then.
  5. J

    FS/FT: mods and power amp SYN5050

  6. J

    FS/FT: mods and power amp SYN5050

  7. J

    FS/FT: mods and power amp SYN5050

  8. J

    Contact member through email

    Hi all, Does anybody have an email to contact lintycreep? I've been trying to contact him via PM but messages don't seem to go through.
  9. J

    WTB Sacred Groove

    Still looking for SG mods. Show me what you've got!
  10. J

    WTB Sacred Groove

    Still looking for Sacred Groove mods, single or duals.
  11. J

    FS/FT: mods and power amp SYN5050

    Looking for trades with mid to high gain mods. Single or duals: Jaded faith: MarkX, erect, blackout, JF6550, calilead, stein, hammerhead Salvation: camerica, custom 3 Have the following for sale/trade: Egnater 3/4 dual: $220 + shipping Stock in great condition. COD dual: $230 + shipping JF...
  12. J

    Mint JF6550 - Sold!

  13. J

    Custom Faceplates

    I used it to get a custom face plate for my EVH 5150 50w. I took the original faceplate and measured it with calipers to .001" accuracy. It's like using paint basically. You have to download their software to create the faceplate in it, as it has a direct link to get a quote, pay and then send...
  14. J

    FS/FT: Dual COD - modded

  15. J

    FS/FT: Dual COD - modded

  16. J

    FS/FT: Dual COD - modded

  17. J

    FS/FT: Dual COD - modded

  18. J

    looking for a lyncbox cab

    Maybe not the place to post this... what is it that makes this cab special besides the nice tolex design and the logo badge?
  19. J

    Module volume differences?

    That's the circuit and the EQ in the mids. My SM Angel has to be set a bit past 3/4 of it's output knob to match my JF Cali-lead mod at a bit less than noon for example, but if I flip the contour or mid switch on the Angel (augments mid frequencies) I need to bring down the vol knob to match the...
  20. J

    Module volume differences?

    From my experience, mods that have more pronounced mid frequencies seem to sound louder. My mods that have lots of bottom end need to be at about 3/4 of the way up to be heard as loud as the ones that don't have the same amount of bottom end with the volume at noon. Obviously the result is a...