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  1. C

    Engl Savage?

    Engl is making an official module based on the Savage. I can't find any news from NAMM really on it or their other offerings (BE/BB and the ODS)...always makes me nervous.
  2. C

    A lot of Synergy re-sales lately?

    The buy in is a bit too high, i sometimes regret buying in to Synergy. For the price of the Chassis you should get a module or a hefty discount on a package deal. There are really good pedals out now and you can run them without a host/chassis (and are half the price) least thats probably...
  3. C

    New Module Releases?

    3 weeks ago they guessed... "All are in various stages of production. Should all be out within next 2-3 months. We will post regularly."
  4. C

    Having difficulty getting in touch with Salvation?

    So far there is only one person acting like an ass
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    Having difficulty getting in touch with Salvation?

    What was the point? I have to agree it’s poor business practice to not respond to customers, he did just reply to a comment of mine on the mts Facebook group about a synergy he is around. We just had a bad wind storm a few weeks ago where a lot of people lost shingles and the...
  6. C

    FS: Silver Egnater Modules

    Updated sold and prices...thanks.
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    HBE vs BE

    I can only go by clips but the HBE module sounds overly compressed and not the gain/hair monster of the amp. It seems to be the highest resold module as well. Waiting to hear the Engl but so far all the modules seem to be lower gain than their name sake except maybe the SLO
  8. C

    Syn 5050 Heat Vents

    No. It was under $90 from eBay but don’t recommend it. Looks ok but smelled like a latex factory and the acre heads are crazy rough/sharp. Smell is wearing off, but I’m sure I doesn’t have as nice of a finish as the Missin which was what I wanted originally. Has an overall nice look I liked it...
  9. C

    Syn 5050 Heat Vents

    I have a syn-2 and a fryette power station (which gets pretty hot)...and i was afraid to keep them on top of each other...would be nice though. It's a cheaper compact head like rack setup.
  10. C

    What am I doing wrong

    Shawn Tubbs videos are mic'ed with a Shure SM57/Royer 121 combo as far as i know. I have recorded a little test to hear the Synergy's direct out vs using my Fryette Power Station's reactive load (going back through the Fryette itself to get it's power tube saturation and tone shaping) and into...
  11. C

    SLO Gain Knobs

    Stiff i don't mind, but the notchy feeling is what i don't like.
  12. C

    What Power Amp For Syn2

    I'm using a Power Station as well...has the added benefit of being able to record silently, still pushing Power Tubes and recording direct to DAW using IR's. I haven't opened it up yet to hear how it sounds, i've mostly only been running on a Bogner 1x12 or direct at house volume. I also...
  13. C

    SLO Gain Knobs

    My SLO is smooth, the metroplex is as you described, the knobs on the left are smooth, everything from mid to the right is tight and notchy. Will try your suggestion
  14. C

    FS: Silver Egnater Modules

    PM me for more info/pictures etc. It's never been gigged with, just racked and home use. I'm looking to sell my Egnater M4 (single channel, i think they now can be modded to dual channel) and some of my modules (all are also single channel). Prices include shipping CONUS Egnater M4: $550 -...
  15. C

    SYN-1 questions....

    Yes i run my Syn-2 with a Fryette Power Station (i have a peavey classic 50/50 power amp for a day where i need stereo)...i also have tried it direct jumpering the speaker out back to the amp in and recorded with IR's and it sounded more realistic than the cab sim thats built in. Though the CAB...
  16. C

    What am I doing wrong

    I don't think the Power amp is going to change your opinion too much. Did you watch the recent video with Bruce Egnater, i think he tames down that opinion a bit of your module is going to sound just like the real thing (that the marketing folks like to say). I too am not 100% sure i'm on the...
  17. C

    Are there any videos from NAMM

    No, i'm sure it's good but if they are similar for the price/single channel (assuming it is), i'd rather wait for the Synergy version. All the Andy wood videos were with background tracks etc, he was smoking but hard to discern how great the tone was.
  18. C

    new modules

    In a post on their facebook page they mentioned the NAMM modules and in the comments said these were also in the works/coming soon: Tone King Imperial MKII Bogner Uberschall Fryette (had a "mind blowing" design, not sure what its based on) Unfortunately the NAMM modules are all 90-120 days out.
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    How to run Syn-2 with other preamps/preamp pedals

    That would be the goal. Realizing I’d have to also engage the pedal. But having it bypass any of the other preamps (amp or synergy?
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    How to run Syn-2 with other preamps/preamp pedals

    What's the best way to run a Syn-2 in the fx loop of an amp, and then also be able to switch to other preamp pedals (looking at maybe Kingsley or Victory). So if i run guitar -> pedals -> amp with Synergy Syn-2 in the fx loop of the amp...could i run a preamp pedal as the first pedal in the...