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  1. C

    So long and thanks for all the fish!

    i've been on the fence for a while, waiting to see the Synergy....though i did buy a Kemper but dont think its a total replacement, in fact if i sell my MTS gear it would be to buy one good real amp, like a Mesa J2PC or a Friedman Smallbox
  2. C

    Torpedo Captor new coolness

    If it ever actually is released, been waiting since June or July when they said it would be out.
  3. C

    Website is up

    If they are the same on A/B what is the big benefit from dual modules, just to set a lead/rhythm tone from the same module? How do you see/adjust the knobs in that case, or know where anything was set. Are you saying only some of the modules can be used on a single channel Egnater m4? I...
  4. C

    When is Synergy gonna go live?

    Agreed, i'd be willing to finish their website in exchange for some gear :lol:
  5. C

    Synergy at NAMM?

    Does anyone know how you switch the 2 channel modules on a single channel Egnater M4 preamp?
  6. C

    Synergy at NAMM?

    How much does it cost for them to get a big name person to demo this on youtube in a professional way (i.e Pete Thorn, Pedal Guys, Chapman, etc)? Good for marketing I would think...and put all of these speculations to rest. I am doubtful you will see these in all the stores, but maybe...i do...
  7. C

    MotorCity Mods has donors ready to go at Salvation Mods...

    Your site no longer seems to be working...
  8. C

    Any Updates on the Release?

    Their facebook group says you can email to get on the waiting list
  9. C

    WTB: Egnater EG3/4 dual module

    I assume you're looking for a Dual only?
  10. C

    Need some non clean donors - SL+, Plexi, Recto, etc NO XTC.

    ...oh, got it, how much is the going rate?
  11. C

    Need some non clean donors - SL+, Plexi, Recto, etc NO XTC.

    what do you mean non clean?
  12. C

    The Jace NAMM Synergy report

    Hmm, thats odd, i've been waiting for the BE at the top of my list because I love the amp (I even like the few clips of his new OD pedal version), and I thought the HBE was even more gain, but that clip it seemed like low gain and no bass at all. I would have guessed the SLO was the Friedman...
  13. C

    The Jace NAMM Synergy report

    There are two new clips on their facebook page, one showing a few modules although they don't say which are which (i was trying to see if the first module he's playing was a BE or the SLO). The other video has a lot of discussion about the hardware. Still hoping for some clips, per module...
  14. C

    The Jace NAMM Synergy report

    Any status when there might be some descent sound clips, the only ones i've heard were the iPhone ones that were quite muffled. Will this stuff be sold in stores, or direct from manufacturer only? i.e. will we have somewhere to try them like back in the Randall days?
  15. C

    The Jace NAMM Synergy report

    i'd like to compare the SLO to my Salvado Deluxe. The Friedman BE 100 is the tone i'm really after, so i guess i'm going to try out the BE and/or HBE. Are these going to be in stores or online ordering only? The clips online for the new Friedman pedal sounded pretty good, so the modules...
  16. C

    The Jace NAMM Synergy report

    No one reports on this anywhere it seems...probably because all of the videos out so far are from dealers and they don't review what they don't sell?
  17. C

    The Jace NAMM Synergy report

    Did they get any descent clips up (other than the iphone ones i've heard earlier)? How much different are the BE and the HBE? Which did you like more?
  18. C

    Synergy 2016 line (just keeping track) NOT OFFICIAL

    There is a lot more info here:
  19. C

    RM4 as preamp with GSP1101 direct?

    Yeah, mine too...There is a cheaper one but still around $500 that is a pedal design it doesn't handle heads though because it's not a load box (just speaker/poweramp emulator)
  20. C

    Synergy 2016 line (just keeping track) NOT OFFICIAL

    I was hoping for $300 modules, but the prices aren't suprising. If these sound as good as I hope then it probably won't matter too much but i've been on the edge of moving on to using combinations of Mini-Heads or the Kemper profiler. Now i'll probably be sticking around longer for sure...