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  1. C

    Salvation Custom 3 w/ rare internal switch for trade

    I would like the Markus but contemplating on selling some gear to get a Mesa Mark Five 25
  2. C

    some mods to watch and hear....pt1, pt 2, pt3, and now pt4

    Too bad i have more enthusiasm than money
  3. C


    What's the difference to the regular Benzin module?
  4. C

    New modular systems?

    I have an early M4 (single) and it was indeed closer to $700
  5. C

    Randall JTM...upgades?

    Sounds interesting, couldn't find any clips of it anywhere
  6. C

    The new Salvation Mods are coming...

    When will we have more info? Will you be carrying all the modules?
  7. C

    Markus question

    Yeah that's the video I saw before
  8. C

    Markus question

    I've seen videos of the Markus on YouTube where there is an internal switch for changing between clean and distorted. Is that how they all are, or is that some custom version? I don't see any mention of that or clean tones on the salvation mods page.
  9. C

    Randall JTM...upgades?

    I'm fairly happy with my Randall JTM Module, but if i were to upgrade it to something in the same genre (but better) with a mod (maybe a bit more gain..) what would someone recommend? Alternatively i've looked at the Wampler Plexi Drive and Plexi Drive Deluxe pedals for this type of sound...
  10. C

    Salvation Markus (custom) Price drop

    Is this sold?
  11. C

    Salvation Mods Benzin module Video!

    Excellent video, thanks!
  12. C

    *SOLD* FS Salvation Benzin - 250 Euro Germany

    How much would it cost to ship to the US?
  13. C

    How to avoid tone sucking

    What kind of pedal are you using?
  14. C

    Stock Randall Blackface vs Twinface?

    I have a stock Blackface, has anyone ever compared it to the Salvation Twinface? Is it worth getting it modded, or should i spend elsewhere? I'm fairly happy with it, but it could be a little punchier with a bit more low end. I also have the Clean, but it's pretty boring, unfortunately it's...
  15. C

    legend module clips

    Thanks. I notice you have a Benzin...did you also try a Camerock? I'm not sure which to choose between those two
  16. C

    favorite orange module

    Does anyone have some good CWatt clips? I have a stock JTM that i'm thinking of using as a donor...but i may go for a high gain module and get a Wampler Plexi Drive for JTM-esque tones. I also might go for one of the orange modules, i sure wish there was a place to try all of these things out!
  17. C

    legend module clips

    Does anyone have any clips of the Legend module (other than the Steve Vai one)? Interested what the best smooth lead sound i'd like to hear it with chords for rhythm stuff.
  18. C

    Egnater Single Channel M4 Manual

    I managed to find my M4 manual (aka printout), the ink was dissolved, i tried to make it readable for anyone that may be interested.
  19. C

    ok to put line level pedals with an M4 preamp/poweramp?

    I have an FX Loop on my single channel M4 but i want to run in stereo. I used to have a TC Electronics G Major between my M4 and my Peavey Classic 50/50, but it sort of bit the dust... I've been looking at getting some TC Electronics and/or Strymon stereo pedals...
  20. C

    Egnater M4 tubes

    Thanks for all the info