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  1. W

    OD SPEC settings

    I have some thoughts concerning OD SPEC. Very easy to get too much bassy tone. Is this module very dependent on powersection/speakers? Even guitars for that matter? I am not in a position to try anything else except the rm100 I have currently with JJ powertubes and/or direct out with speaker...
  2. W


    I tend to think this module could use one more 'option'. At times I tend to think the 3-way switch isn't really necessary and could be wired with the 'best' sound for my use. Probably the low or middle position. I think this module should have diode clip switch and maybe something else...
  3. W


    I would tend to say this one at 9:00 is a pure clean module. It is a fav of mine, for sure. I have modded kh1, BF and some others. I would say you can rely on it for awesome cleans with very little disto. The thing that is maybe different from KH1/BF is when the gain does come on, it is a...
  4. W

    Module recommendations?

    If you love the recto, just get it modded it will be 400% better, I gaurunte.
  5. W

    JF Voxless and JF Holy Grail demo clip

    right on. I'm just gonna through a suggestion for the arrangement if you don't mind. the first change to voxy - try adding the vox fill (at the end of the voxy riff) to before leading into the vox section. So I think it would be cool to switch to the voxy 1 measure early instead of the grail...
  6. W


    The best thing since sliced bread, that I can eat in complete silence inside my apartment without disturbing anyone.
  7. W

    Anyone modify the amp itself?

    I've asked him about this, and others and they basically say it's not really worth the effort and cost, especially if you have to ship your amp to get it done.
  8. W

    Has anyone gotten the PlexiTweed update?

    Rob, can you elaborate a bit on the Boost of the PT? I'm curious if this is the same as the 'Diode Clipping' mod that you do. Also, is there any chance to add one more option to the PT? I absolutely love mine but want to see if I can customize it a bit more.
  9. W

    in case you missed these Nebula cabs (very nice) thanks to the guy who created them and offer them for a voluntary donation price. Nice selection of mics and great sounding. My latest go-to cabs.
  10. W

    Has anyone gotten the PlexiTweed update?

    here's what Rob said about it.
  11. W

    Has anyone gotten the PlexiTweed update?

    Noticed this on JF webpage, some tweak to the Tight sw? Wondering what the improvement sounds like, if it sounds any better. I mean, I really love the PlexiTweed, one of my all-time fav's, but if it can be improved, I'll be very interested in upgraded a staple module.
  12. W

    Two weeks until the LA Amp Show, so what's new?

    How much for all of them? :lol: just kiddin GL at the show, hope you will win a award or something.
  13. W

    KH-1 to SuperClean?

    IMO most of the marshal/fender modules (mod ones) sound well at low gain high volume ( plexi, tweed, bf, kh1, even some mesa tones at very low gain settings). Some exceptions though.
  14. W


    what? I run my gain at 11!!!
  15. W

    So many mods, so little time....

    It's nice being able to blow your face off when ever you so desire.
  16. W

    where to put the NOS tube in modules?

    ok. So far Matt suggests swapping a tungsol for a nos JF in V1... That's going to be a hard decision, because I really love the sound of it in V1, although I don't think it's perfect. The Tungsol really seems to hold the sound together well in most modules I've tried out.
  17. W

    where to put the NOS tube in modules?

    Ok, so I am getting pretty nice sound with my modules and tubes.. I have 1 more NOS tube to play with, but not sure what slot I should use it in. My goal is to hopefully just make things a tiny bit more clear, and a bit more 'vintage' sounding. So PlexiTweed vs Blackface V1 or V2...
  18. W

    summer cleaning gear

    Boss Hyper Metal $10.00 M-Audio Delta 24/96 soundcard $40 +shipping Vantage 5 string bass $150 obo (acitve) with clean hardcase. good condition
  19. W

    Clean Mods distorting

    what is the gain of your clean module? try gain@9 Volume @ 3-5 and boost off hope that's what you mean... IF you can monitor the FX send somehow, you can make sure that the level of the preamp is set correctly. I have found that generally clean sound has far more energy (volume) when coming...
  20. W

    Orange: Which juice is worth the squeeze?

    More like getting slushed? like a orange shot through a pipe-launcher at a steel grating. Instant sweet sticky wetness that anyone can lick.