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    eventide time factor
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    clean modules

    Ya my pete BF is customized to my need's and sounds excellent. 3-way tone selector offer's superb eq choices much better sounding bright switch - sound's best with it off imo far better gain (slightly less in my case)
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    well if it's still available in a few week's i'll definantly be interested. bad timing.
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    wtb THD Hot Plate

    8 ohm for rm100c thanks
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    wtb THD Hot Plate

    hey if anyone has one of these for sale send me a pm. thx W
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    help! any qualtiy guitar stand racks???

    yeah, that look's a bit studier than the cheapo version.. thx yall
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    help! any qualtiy guitar stand racks???

    I'm looking for a stand (rack) for 3-5 guitars similar to this I like this one's design but the build quality is crap. I'd like something like this but high quality please. thx
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    another happy Pete customer

    got my first to mod's recently and I am quite happy (of course ;)) KH-1 I recommend if you must have the ultimate clean tones to get your's modded. I have bright switch improved, eq altered (which I'm not crazy about), clarity mod is very helpful imo. This one was kind of experimental if I...
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    Eventide Eclipse or TC G- Major 2 or ?? for effects

    thanks c2ply I think I'm going to go either 2-3 pedals (versatile) or eclipse (digital). Would you use the pedal's in the studio? Or is the eclipse if recording something? /cheers
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    Eventide Eclipse or TC G- Major 2 or ?? for effects

    What do you guys prefer if you've tried both? Foot pedal's aren't a issue for me as I don't need to play live and I can just use a switcher to turn on/off. Looking to get some great effects (delays/chorus/flange/stereoizer/pitcher/harmonizer/reverb especially vintage fender reverb style) for...
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    Whats your dream guitar?

    ATM EJ Fender strat.... or else maybe a EC strat. Gibson's LP Studio and custom paintjob :)
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    NAMM 2011 Update

    I'm entirely happy with the situation right now. As long as randall/egnater continue supplying the module series I'm happy to keep the prices down and get some custom mod's done as needed - it's more than enough tone for me ;)
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    Salvation MarkUs mod - new clip 2011

    I'm thinking about turning my KH3 into one of these.
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    Lo Fi Tone tricks: Studio & Live

    try adding chicken finger picking hehe
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    Module Rundown

    50lbs or so.
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    Module Rundown

    got the rm100 combo amp. Incredible and versatile system. Some stock modules sound pretty decent and modded modules are big improvent and worthwile imo.... Some modders taking modding very seriously... Cheap way to have multiple boutique amps sounds at hand. Buy cheap modules for around...
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    Gigmods Twin Amp Preamp Tubes

    jan philips 12ax7wa is imo the best preamp tube I've found. I agree with most of the post so far. atm I'm putting 12ax7wa for my input and it's really nice esp for cleans. I haven't tried the bugleboys yet but I will soon... probably similar though. When I get some more I'm going to try them...
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    Recording Computer Build Help Please...

    usb is much better than it once was (usb1). At present there is no real reason to use firewire over usb because at present speeds are not fully utilized as it is. USB3's extra speed won't really make a difference to audio/video applicatons. USB 2 (RME drivers) and most decent audio firewire...
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    Recording Computer Build Help Please...

    Hey Daryl Sounds like you are on the right path. I've built my last 4 computers so I know a thing or 2 about them (pc's) Nehaleum range is where you want to be for sure, it will be future proof for another 3-4 years np. I'm on a q9450 and still doing strong but I don't run huge track counts...
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    Need help with effects?

    here's my 2c opinion Boss pedals are digital so they will definantly screw with your tone if they are in front of the amp (DAC). But this shouldn't really be a problem as long as you don't plan on leaving delay on all the time. So if you don't like the tone while running through the pedal...