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  1. W

    plug in now available for Redwirez impulses, iface!

    yes I tried it today it's pc vst. It's pretty cool, and sounds good. Comes with a bunch of preset's using Redwirez. Trial version is fully functional. /p
  2. W

    plug in now available for Redwirez impulses, iface!

    plug in available for Redwirez impulses! Check this out
  3. W

    advise for pickups!

    thanks for all the replies! I will continue to investigate... 8) 8) 8)
  4. W

    A little KH-1 Love

    What did that start out as? I'm interested in one of them also!
  5. W

    advise for pickups!

    Hey guys... I'm close to picking up a my first quality guitar, I'm quite sure I'm gonna get the EJ Fender Strat. I like it mostly because of look, feel, and from what I can tell sounds great! My only concern is with the bridge pickup. I know I haven't really thoroughly tested it but ya... I...
  6. W

    A little KH-1 Love

    I have a Pete KH1 on the way 8) 8) 8)
  7. W

    Speaker Impulses

    a bit late to this one but anywho, I am quite familiar with PC's and software, I've used Cubase for a long long time now, as well as most guitar emulators. So if you have anymore questions please I will try to answer. (cubase is nice because it has a nice presets manager and preset...
  8. W

    A little KH-1 Love

    I have both side by side. At low gain around 9 they are very similar. The difference is more apparent when gain starting around 11 and up, BF being tubey-round-breakup and the KH1 being tighter perhap's drier and less tubey like breakup or closer to a solid-state kind of sound... But as far...
  9. W

    noob question - lf best rack amp 2-3 channels

    Yea, thx I didn't mean modules, I have a few now and some modded ones too. So yea just a amp for my modules that doesn't need to drive speakers if that exists. I wasn't sure if there was any difference between the RM4 or M4 thx I'll look at those.
  10. W

    Can a amp be modified like this?

    ok nice diagram btw! Would there be another out that I could use to do this? Perhaps Slave is a line level out?
  11. W

    Can a amp be modified like this?

    Does anyone run this setup: parallel loop --> serial loop? What I'm thinking is being able to hear the parallel loop through the serial loop? This way I can use stomp boxes or other fx mixed to wet/dry ratio using the front dial and still be sent to serial channel for monitoring/recording...
  12. W

    noob question - lf best rack amp 2-3 channels

    Hey guys, I've decided I want to add a 2 or 3 channel rack amp for my setup. I have next to no knowledge around mts amps, but I do own a RM100 combo. Amp needs to be clearest audio signal possible, even modded for extra clarity. Use will be primarily for front end to recording DAW to run...
  13. W

    Your most listened to CD from 2010

    probably Slash's new album.
  14. W

    Why would I want a Rack compressor?

    Hey guys, So I'm building a rack to host several goodies and have been looking for gear to put in there! I noticed some players use rack compressor (like dbx166). I'm wondering if one would help me out in anyway other than brickwall limiting atm which I think isn't really necessary. Usually...
  15. W

    Best Module for cleans...

    i have blackface and kh-1. Kh-1 is more dry and BF is more saturated but otherwise fairly similar at low gains.
  16. W

    Various Tones with Effects?

    I've been struggling to find great fx also. So far in my limited experience though I think what I'm seeing is that so many of those 'character' fx I'm hearing in great rock records that there is no substitute for the actual vintage units that were popular in the years those songs were produced...
  17. W

    Stonerverb/Angel/GigmodsBface Clip

    wow! great drumming and tones!
  18. W

    FS: KH-1

    nice amp, well worth it.
  19. W

    wtb: mark, mashall, orange modules gig or salvation

    Looking for anyone selling these or similar Gigmods or Salvation mods. /p
  20. W

    FS: pete-modded BROWN module....SOLD!!!

    I'll bite.