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  1. S

    wtb: rm20 combo

    i have the rm head- $550 plus shipping if interested
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    MarkUs closest Salvation alternative?

    i have the treadplate,it's an over saturated distortion, dropping the mids 0-3 and bass around 4 and treble near 6 distortion about 6-7 you can get a descent metallica sound.
  3. S

    your other amp

    it works great i play in a southern rock band
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    your other amp

  5. S

    Modules you don't like

    For me it's the Deluxe is not that great it seems artificial, to much treble and when you back it off, and turn off the bright it gets worse
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    Stock modules

    the kh1 has a super nice clean sound, i like the sound of the sl it's a very smooth distortion. i somewhat like the tweed
  7. S

    kh1 clean

    yeah i know- but it's funny they make a preamp built for active pups, and it brings a really nice sparkly type sound
  8. S

    kh1 clean

    so playing the kh1 clean compared to other cleans -the tweed- the deluxe and randall clean. is it me or does the kh1 sparkle and have a more solid clean tone for electric guitar?