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Synergy/MTS Forum

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  1. DoctorTim


    I'd love to see more comments about specific mods that are possible to tweak specific modules. Some modules are really close but just miss the mark in one specific area.
  2. DoctorTim

    Jaded Faith Mods Tone Comparison Chart

    What a great resource.
  3. DoctorTim

    Dual Channel Mod Kits for RM100 and RM4

    Just an FYI - I just did the RM4 2 channel midi mod myself. I am an almost complete beginner to soldering. My experience to date was I soldered two xBox mods 18 years ago (and messed one of them up), that's my level of experience. After watching a couple of random soldering youtube videos I was...
  4. DoctorTim

    So that Salvation Guy - he's pretty alright after all!!

    Has anyone done this for Synergy or Salvation? The Synergy faceplates are boring AF.
  5. DoctorTim

    has anyone done any drawing of MTS pcb?

    For sure, it's a very useful community.
  6. DoctorTim

    SYN1 work OK in Tweaker 15 loop?

    I've owned a 15 and a 40. Synergy +Tweaker is probably a really good combo. Especially with a Mercury transformer upgrade.
  7. DoctorTim

    Which Synergy module for clean channel: TDLX or BMAN?

    Or a Salvation Audio Twinface. Probably my favorite Twin module.
  8. DoctorTim

    Looks like GC and MF joined the party

    Interesting that they're out of stock. I've seen mint and demo units languish on Reverb and eBay. Mint Syn2 at $200 off retail taking months to sell - I had one myself that took ages, and it was sitting at a dealer never even picked up. What a weird market.