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  1. Module

    5881s in the SYN 50/50

    Can you run 5881s in the SYN 50/50? I understand it has a fixed bias. If not what is the recommended 6L6 or will any good ones be fine?
  2. Module

    New Question: Are all tubes 12AX7?

    Just wondering as tube amps often use a tube for a phase inverter which is not usually a 12AX7. I was wondering if all tubes mostly the mother SNY docs and the SYN50 power amp use 12AX7s (in those two slots along side the 6L6's).
  3. Module

    Anyone have a Revv G8 NP in line for any noise issues?

    I've had a bunch of gates but I really like the G8 just barely on and it kills any unwanted noise floor, quite transparent. Most noise I have encountered comes from my drive section of pedals, especially stacking various ones. I have the drive section of pedals in the G8 loop and presto if any...
  4. Module

    Any love for the Fryette Deliverance module??

    I've had like 8 modules now and just got the 6505. I have to say the Deliverance is my overall fav for its versatile range of adjustments. Also has the most low end thump kick of anything I've tried without getting too muddy.
  5. Module

    SYN50/50 power amp can you use EL34s??

    I thought I saw somewhere it was possible to switch to EL34s in the 50/50 anyone know about it? I would guess it is designed for the 6L6 but Fryette is such a genius maybe he considered that.
  6. Module

    Anyone heard any news on anything new coming out???

    I know Synergy is very quiet about things but come on guys a hint of anything new in the works?? I am worried about the stability of this company as they never seem to answer any support questions despite I have already dropped some serious bucks on my rig and more to come. I would like some...
  7. Module

    Any tried running independent modules into separate cabs?

    I am onto my 4th module now waiting on another dual dock, god I love this stuff! But I was thinking, why not run two modules into independent sides of the 50/50 with each its own cab? In my desire to improve tones I thought why not run my VH4 with the Pitbull into separate sides at the same...
  8. Module

    Just got my first 2 modules, Pitbull and Ecstasy, wow

    I am just blown away how great Synergy sounds and plays. Videos just don't capture it. Fryette Pitbull is just massive and fantastic range of tones, Ultra Lead is no joke, a bit of reverb/delay on there and it is just orgasmic! Ecstasy is fantastic and an even greater range of versatile tones...
  9. Module

    What preamp tubes do you favor for replacements??

    I'm looking at using Genelex Gold Lion (Gold Pin) 12AX7/ECC83's or Mesa SPAX7 special 12AX7 for better quality tubes, any notions on anyone using these or thoughts? Are the stock tubes just fine to leave in till they need replaced?