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  1. S

    Killer Deals on New MTS Amps!!!

    I have the price and stock list from Randall and I can tell you with certainty they are not hoarding modules. Most modules are completely gone with Randall. The only "regular" modules they were still in double digits on were the Plexi Plus and the Blackface. The only ones they have any decent...
  2. S

    mts to be discontinued

    I can confirm that the MTS line through Randall is done. I also overheard that the ten year license was almost over. It led me to believe that Egnater is going to get back into the game big time and maybe they didn't want to re-new the license. This is still good news for MTS owners. One thing...
  3. S

    Which modules (stock or mod) for 80's hair metal?

    Mode off and bright on will take your head off on my set up. It is very possible it's because of the El84's. But the EL84's don't sound thin when I run it right next to the Lynch Box with the same module in it. Yeah, the 100w sounds bigger, but the RM22 doesn't sound small if that makes sense. I...
  4. S

    Which modules (stock or mod) for 80's hair metal?

    Maybe it's my cabinet or yours that are making it sound different to us. Mine has plenty of highs. In the more Plexi mode it's pretty bright, just like my old Super Leads, when you flip to the modded Plexi mode it gets darker. I run the EQ's on my module towards the middle with all of them...
  5. S

    Plexi+ and SL+.

    I like the regular Plexi module, the Brahma, the SL+ and The Judge for my Marshall flavors. Of the two you are mentioning, the SL+ is my preference by quite a bit.
  6. S

    Which modules (stock or mod) for 80's hair metal?

    My number one suggestion for the sound I think you are looking for is the stock GTO The Judge module. It's what I used for this and I'm an old re-tread from the Sunset Strip hard rock scene in the 80's. This module nails it IMO. I was very happy with the sound of this module on the clip I...
  7. S

    Firing up the RM22 and The Judge module

    :lol: Sup barzini? Fancy seeing you here!
  8. S

    Firing up the RM22 and The Judge module

    Thanks again guys! LOL, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I think I will be doing one angle videos from now on. :D I ended up having my nieces boyfriend edit that all together for me.
  9. S

    Firing up the RM22 and The Judge module

    Thanks. I do disagree with you on whether this is a great sounding module. For what my ears want to hear, this is the best module I have ever heard including any mods. This just nails that modded Marshall, heavy rock tone. Judging by the gear in your sig, I just think we have different ideas of...
  10. S

    Firing up the RM22 and The Judge module

    Hey man.... I'm a dealer for Splawn Amplification too. If you are close enough to go to the LA Amp Show, you may be close enough to come visit my store. We are close to Disneyland. Let me know about your coming to try the Splawn because I am almost always sold out of them. I can bring my...
  11. S

    Firing up the RM22 and The Judge module

    You may be surprised at how Plexi sounding the Mode 1 of The Judge is. That mode sounds totally killer in a classic Marshall sort of way. I didn't use it on the video demo but am really impressed with that one too. I sold an RM22 to Ethan that has the killer RM22 videos on Youtube and he got...
  12. S

    Firing up the RM22 and The Judge module

    I just got an email from Joe at Randall and they put this video on the front page of the website. That's pretty exciting for me!
  13. S

    Firing up the RM22 and The Judge module

    This is going to be from memory but on the rhythms, I had the gain at 1 o clock for one of the tracks and 2 o'clock for the other. The rest of the settings are Bass at 1 o'clock, Mids at 12 o'clock, Treble at 2 o'clock, the level was quite low, maybe 10 o'clock for the rhythms and 9 o'clock for...
  14. S

    Firing up the RM22 and The Judge module

    Thanks very much guys. As many of you know, I have been an MTS dealer for probably 6 years. Two of the guys who work for me are MTS freaks. Jay here has almost every single model and Shane is out gigging his RM100 all the time with his metal band. As you can see in different angles in this...
  15. S

    Firing up the RM22 and The Judge module

    I tried to get a little fancy with a four angle video shoot for a demo I did with the Charvel Retro Pro Mod and my new Randall MTS series RM22 18 watt head. It was very difficult to get it all synchronized but I put it up anyways. I'm using the recently released Lynch signature model called...
  16. S

    NAMM 2011 Update

    I'm not sure what to say here. I own some pretty expensive amps. The thought of getting a new module with the tone that the GTO Judge has for $299 seems dirt cheap to me. People are complaining and saying they can pick up a used module that has been modded by someone else for less than $299...
  17. S

    GTO The Judge George Lynch Module Quick Review!

    Here are a couple of Ethans vids with the RM22 with the GTO Judge. First switch is with the Mode switch in the left position, more like a real plexi.... and I mean a good plexi: And here's another vid with the mode switch on. A little...
  18. S

    GTO The Judge George Lynch Module Quick Review!

    One of my buddies on another forum just got the GTO The Judge from me. His name is Ethan, and he is the guy that posted what I think are really good MTS clips with his new RM22 and SL+. You can check out his videos here, he's a really good player and has built a Metro Plexi kit that sounds...
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    GTO The Judge George Lynch Module Quick Review!

    No way! I am no good with drywall repair. :D
  20. S

    The GTO The Judge module lives~!

    I'm sorry, I should have been more specific. The review is on this same forum but in the Signature Modules section.