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  1. M

    RM4 still drops out when switching channels

    Ryan or someone from Randall would you please confirm what you are doing about this drop out issue. The Rm4 is currently not useable to its full extent in a live situation due to this drop out problem. As my unit is nearly out of warranty I would appreciate some traction on this. Several months...
  2. M

    RM4 still drops out when switching channels

    Ryan would you mind comenting on this - I am keen to arrange one, thanks
  3. M

    RM4 still drops out when switching channels

    Any sign of these chips as yet. This is the one thing letting my RM4 down, and am keen to get it fixed, cheers
  4. M

    RM4 still drops out when switching channels

    Hi, Did anything come of these chips ? I would keen to order one, thanks
  5. M

    Anyone using Ground Control Pro with RM4?

    Thanks Steve. I took the unit apart and found the DIP's were set wrong at the factory ? Anyway changed them to MIDI ch 1 and all works great. Very very happy with this setup. Using with my Eventide gear and its a match made in tone heaven. BTW did the Top Boost mod today and presto is sounds...
  6. M

    Anyone using Ground Control Pro with RM4?

    Hi having trouble setting up instant access. Details are vague to ay the least can anyone give me some detailed advise / help, thanks
  7. M

    RM4 MIDI

    Hi All, I am planning on using my Ground Control with the RM4. I notice in the RM4 MIDI manual that the Ground Control has 6 Control Change locations available to it in the RM4 - I understand 1 -4 for the 4 modules, do the other two Control Changes switch the 2 RM4 FX loops in & out ? thanks
  8. M

    RM4 Serial Loop location

    Hi All, Happy owner of a new RM4 here. Planning on integrating my Eventide fx(Eclipse, Time & mod factors) into the RM4. Can someone confirm if the serial loop is pre or post the pre amp modules? Thanks