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  1. H


    Ultra XL module for sale or trade for Blackface.
  2. H

    WTT: Ultra XL for Blackface

    I'd like to trade an Ultra XL module for a Blackface. I'm in Redmond, WA.
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    Mullard EL-34's too dark in RM50

    I recently swapped out the stock 6L6's in my rm50 for a set of mullard re-issue EL34's and found it to sound much darker than my other EL34 amps regardless of which module and eq settings I used. I varied the bias from 35-45, but not much difference. Does anyone have recommendations for other...
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    rm50 vs rm50b

    I just bought a new rm50 yesterday, and wasn't aware that there is a newer model with the rm50b designation. Can anyone tell me the differences if any? Judging from what info I've found on this forum, I think I have one of the more recent ones since it has reverb and a black grill cloth. The...