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  1. bbp

    Mic Eliminator degrading my sound - SOLVED

    Sounds like you've got one of the units with phase problems. Try switching the polarity of two of the speakers, ie put the red wire where the black one is now and the other way around. I can't tell you which ones you should rewire since I don't know how the cab is wired though.
  2. bbp

    more NAMM stuff - an RM12?!?

    Bruce Egnater, who designed it, said that what they did was try to copy the tone you'd get from a V30 and an SM57. As with all simulations so far, it'll get you close but it will not be exactly the same as the real thing. It does have the benefit of giving you the same tone every single night...
  3. bbp

    more NAMM stuff - an RM12?!?

    Now, make it work properly with dual channel modules and add another power amp channel like the RT2/50 and I'm in heaven. :mrgreen:
  4. bbp

    Home recording for melodeath album

    There's some potential in there for sure. I'd cut some upper mids all over though. Sounds like the drums were recorded in a closet or something. Good playing though so just some eq work and it'll be great.
  5. bbp

    Sudden Noise in my RM20B

    If you'd blown a fuse the filament wouldn't be glowing. The fuse is there to protect the tube from too high supply voltages, it's designed to break before something more expensive does and if it was broken the circuit wouldn't be working at all, ie the tube wouldn't glow.
  6. bbp

    2009 Modules

    Hmmm... I just had a look at some Warhead X2 schematics I found and this could prove to be pretty difficult. 12AX7 tubes usually run at around 350 volts, the highest supply voltage I found in the X2 was +24V and that's not even for the actual amplifiers. The amps run at 7 volts as far as I can...
  7. bbp

    2009 Modules

    Since it's Randall we're talking about, is a Warhead module too much to ask? :wink: Sure, tubes and transistors operate at very different power levels but still, I'd love to have it.