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Synergy/MTS Forum

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  1. B

    FS Gig Mods Top Boost Vox Module. $125

    Got out of the MTS stuff a few years ago and forgot I had this one left.$125 shipped and PayPal
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    FS Gigmods Top boost Vox

    $150 shipped,PayPal gift.Continental US.Black face plate Egnater Creme knobs.Bought a Hayseed 15 vox amp so this can go.
  3. B

    Gigmods Top Boost

    Pete Top Boost w/push pull gain.Black faceplate.Can send pics $200 shipped and PayPal to Continental US.
  4. B

    RM22 F/S with padded cover

    Back on the market.Got an Rm20 that's all I need for now.
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    RM22 F/S with padded cover

    Sl + sold to zeppelin490
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    RM22 F/S with padded cover

    rM22 $525.00 shipped PayPal gift con US original box w/ footswitch/cover Mods not included. Sl+ sold
  7. B

    FS Evidence Audio Siren II combo speaker cable

    Quarter inch out to push ons.3 feet $70 US Shipped Paypal gift
  8. B

    RM50 Combo SOLD

    I have a mint RM50 Combo W/Padded Randall cover $550 shipped paypal gift
  9. B

    F/S Grail Sold

    Stock W/Recto gnobs $140 shipped Paypal gift
  10. B

    Salvation Stonerverb (new model)

    Whats the +all about.How long did it take for Anthony to do and send back?
  11. B

    Still WTB Mashall

    !,st off.F Lebron.If you live in Cleveland you get used to that kind of stuff.People leave here all the time and so would I if I could.South Beach would do just fine.Now about Mashall.I saw a post about Salvations web site being full of bad things for my computer.Is that still a problem and what...
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    Still WTB Mashall

  13. B

    Still WTB Mashall

    Anyone have a Mashall?
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    WTB Mashall

    Looking for Salvation Mashall.
  15. B

    How do you get pics in ad? RM50 combo

    Kept trying to copy and paste images in computer to ad with no luck.I sold amp but this info will help for next ad.Thanks again
  16. B

    RM50 Combo W/Super V Speaker/Sold to Jethro

    Palomino with Black grill cloth.Randall padded cover$450 shipped conUS Paypal gift _________________ 2 RM50 combos RM22,RM20 combo,VG99,GR20 Pete Top Boost ,Tweed,Grail,SL+,Blacface,Gsystem.Good dealings kojdog,gweb,okstrat,EWESthan,rockman
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    How do you get pics in ad? RM50 combo

    Can,t upload pics.
  18. B

    F/S Knob sets/ offers

    Knobs came in mail today and look great on my modules.
  19. B

    FS: RM50 Combo

    Palomino with Black grill cloth.Randall padded cover$450 shipped conUS Paypal gift
  20. B

    Good Dealings EWESthan

    RM20 came today.Perfect shape,packed in orginal box.Nice job Matt