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  1. P

    Attack on the Ultra xl

    I do select the neck pick up. thats why i aws worried about the attack, cause the neck pick up supposed to have alot lower attack
  2. P

    Attack on the Ultra xl

    lows to 1 o clock mids to 2 oclock and his three o clock. gain is just short of full, and density and presence about 10 o clock
  3. P

    Attack on the Ultra xl

    It sounds as if their is more "attack" or the actual striking of the string then their is tone to the notes
  4. P

    sorry guys i have a stupid question....

    Ok thanks guys!
  5. P

    Attack on the Ultra xl

    Oh i forgot to add that i play an ibanez rg5ex1 with active emg 81 85 through a monster cable
  6. P

    sorry guys i have a stupid question....

    Hey how do u get your modules modded? I have an XTC that i wanna get this done to -- "High Gain" Ruby 12ax7 in V2 --C1 changed to 1500pF (.0015uF) i definetly feel as if this module has a killer tone to it, im jsut trying to extract it. how do i get it done?
  7. P

    Attack on the Ultra xl

    Hey everyone, im having issues with my stock Ultra Xl module. It seems to have a very high attack, especially on sweeping. now i know it is my eq settings, but ihave tampered with the blasted thing for a while and have not fixed the issue at all. Can anyone give me a ball park are on the eq...