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  1. U

    Figured it out!

    I don't know why this worked but I removed all the modules and plugged them back in and my presence was back. I swapped modules several times before but it wasn't until this afternoon that I removed all of them. That seemed to do the trick now the amp is fairly bright just with all controls at...
  2. U

    Problems cutting through?

    I don't run my bass past 11:00 most of the time. I typically keep my mids around 12:30 and treble about 12:00. On my RM100 I keep the presence around 3:00 to get more bite. My sound is typically midrange oriented with a focus in the upper mids because I'm mostly a lead player. I don't like...
  3. U

    Problems cutting through?

    No way dude. I don't run my treble all the way. I have to keep my presence at at least 3:00 to get a 1/2 way decent bite in my tone. I don't have any issues. I'm guessing you were either in a hurry or reading my post on your cell phone so you didn't get a chance to read it carefully.
  4. U

    Problems cutting through?

    Yeah I just got an M9 and hooked it up to the effects loop. So far, trying to boost the upper midrange only seems to beef up the natural low midrange of the amp. It seems like it tries to add it but it's a transparent sound, kind of like midrange EQ is being added subtly behind the signal. What...
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    Problems cutting through?

    Does anyone else have problems cutting through in a studio or live mix? My RM100 (EL34's loaded) sounds fairly dark. I have a Plexi and SL+ module installed but even with the presence all the way up it still doesn't get that authentic Marshall bite. If I turn the treble all the way up, it seems...
  6. U

    Stock SL+ and XTC

    Yes I believe it's the latest one. It's the black panel with black chickenhead knobs.
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    Newb Module question

    I have a 2006 JCM 800 reissue which is what I have to compare to. I had a 1959HW plexi for a couple of years. Boosted with a pedal and with some volume, my 1959 sounded a lot like the SL+ but not quite as compressed. To me the XTC sounds more like my JCM 800 than the SL+, but it may be because...
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    Stock SL+ and XTC

    Not yet. I just got the amp yesterday. I don't have ANY pedals right now. In fact, I had to trade my TC Nova System as part of the deal to get this amp. Now I don't have a single pedal except a wah. I went back and exchanged the XTC module for the plexi because I figured the plexi module would...
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    Stock SL+ and XTC

    Hi newb here. These are some songs I just started learning the day before yesteray. I recorded this clip to test out my new amp. It's not a demonstration of how to play anything so I'm not posting it for a playing critique. First SL+ rhythm/XTC rhythm, then SL+ lead/XTC lead...
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    Newb Module question

    Hey there. New to the forum. I'm from Texas and I love to play mostly rock, metal and blues. Main influences are mostly Iron Maiden, Joe Satriani, Michael Schenker, and Eric Johnson even though I can hardly play their stuff. I'm the new owner of a Randall RM100 which is currently loaded with...