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Synergy/MTS Forum

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  1. R

    Withdrawn N/A

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    Withdrawn Synergy Modules and RM20 for sale

    add updated, and prices adjusted.
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    Withdrawn Synergy Modules and RM20 for sale

    RM20 price-dropped
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    Withdrawn Synergy Modules and RM20 for sale

    Prices updated
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    Withdrawn Synergy Morgan AC and OS Dumble-ODS-style combo sale

    Special Deal: both modules for $550 USD Free S/H to anywhere in Canada/Con-USA still happy combine stuff in the other posting as well to sweeten the pot :)
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    Withdrawn Synergy Modules and RM20 for sale

    no longer available
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    BE-BB for Sale/Trade

    Morgan AC is sold BE-BB for 299$USD or trade for a Herbert or O.S. module
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    Looking to buy an HBE or SLO Synergy module - E.U.

    Still looking until noted otherwise. :)
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    Looking to buy an HBE or SLO Synergy module - E.U.

    If it's cheap enough, absolutely! :)
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    Looking to buy an HBE or SLO Synergy module - E.U.

    Looking for a cheap HBE or SLO module located in the E.U. - want it shipped directly to Salvation Audio. Doesn't have to be in great condition - may even be a little jenky. Just need it as a donor for a special module for myself. Thanks.
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    FT: Randall Stock Modules

    Now for trade!
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    FT: Randall Stock Modules

    FT: Blackface, Clean, and Deluxe Looking to trade for a Synergy ODS and Morgan AC. Preferably in Canada and Con-US so shipping's not bonkers
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    WTB Synergy Mods

    looking for a powerball, 6505, and a Morgan AC - if you have all three and want to make a deal, let's do it. Powerball taken care of - still looking for the other two.
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    Synergy Deliverance SOLD

    I might take you up on that - PM'd
  15. R

    Randall RM4 For Sale

    It did sell, yes. I got another left, but it was one of the Lincoln Park sell-offs from when the guitarist in that band died. Send me a PM if you're interested and maybe we can work something out on it.
  16. R

    Randall RM4 For Sale

    Good condition RM4 for sale - $499 USD shipped to anywhere in Canada / Con-USA see reverb add for pictures:
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    not available
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    forgot to mention would trade for 4 donors per mod in practically any condition :)