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  1. S

    NAMM and Modules

    I've been playing with the Vai module for a few days now. I don't have anything bad to say about it. It's a different beast to be sure. More on the fuzz side of things. A bit noisier than other modules on the red channel. I'm going to keep it as another flavor but I don't think it gets a seat in...
  2. S

    Friedman BE50 or SYN50 and BB/BE and DS modules

    I have a BE50 as well as the Synergy Friedman BE/BB and HBE modules and I'm happy to plug into either. Comparing them through the same cab or with a load into an IR they are very very close.
  3. S

    NAMM and Modules

    Bought mine solely based on Henning's YouTube video. Sounded great in that so I pulled the trigger just for another lead tone flavor. BUT IT"S GREEN!!! lol
  4. S

    NAMM and Modules

    The Vai signature module sounds really good. I've never been much into Vai either. Great player and all I just never gravitated to his eccentric style. All that said I purchased the module based on this demo. But man I really really hate that green. I'd pay to have...
  5. S

    NAMM and Modules

    Spoke to Sweetwater today. They confirmed that the Bogner Ecstacy module will indeed be shipping on 3/12/20. Mine's ordered!
  6. S

    Post your rig

    Won't let me post an image but my rig is currently Thee (3) Syn 2's with BE/BB, HBE, Plexi, SLO, AC20, OS modules. Vai and Bogner Ecstacy modules pre-ordered (the Vai module will get a paint job before it goes in the rack. No offense Synergy. Shrek green just isn't my thing). All controlled with...