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  1. B

    New Synergy Head incoming.

    Hey all, Friedman amplification posted a now deleted post of NAMM preparations and in it was a new single module head. I unfortunately did not get a screenshot. Looks like an all metal chassis and probably has the new IR tech that Friedman and Soldano have recently rolled out. Now back to...
  2. B

    Syn-1 and Friedman IR-X

    Anybody running a Syn-1 and IR-X together? Thoughts? How are you wiring it up?
  3. B

    Synergy Syn-50 circuit board pics?

    Hey all, anyone ever open up their Syn-50 and document what it looks like inside? Just curious about the circuit board layout, bias points, etc. Can't seem to find anything online so far. Cheers!
  4. B

    BE Prepared??

    Thoughts on the cryptic post today?