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  1. D

    Randall Spam

    Massive Spam: I just went through a massive transition gear wise and I?ve got quite a load of stuff to unload. I?m in La Grande, Oregon 97850 (for shipping estimates). All prices are listed in US dollars. Please add 3% for PayPal fees if that?s your method of choice. Feel free to email me...
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    Ebay Spam

    Doing some spring cleaning. Here's a link a roos: Randall XTC Module: Randall Ultra Lead Module...
  3. D

    How many rack spaces does an RT2/50 occupy?

    Yeah, they both weigh a fuckin' ton. In my main rig, I have a power conditioner, a G Major, an RM 4 and an Rt2/50 and that sucker weighs more than some 10 and 12 space racks I've had.
  4. D

    EDIT: F/SRandall RM100-S Head

    So that's the head with the cloth front right? Too bad it's not the metal one, I might go for that one. I bought the rack rig (RM4 RT 2/50) thinking I would use four at a time and I've only needed 3 at a time live.
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    My rig, with some clips

    Wow, are you an endorser yet?
  6. D

    Module wishlist

    +100000000 on all the suggestions so far. The Mesa Mk and the 5150 are the ones that grab my attention first. I'd also like to see a Soldano.