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  1. L

    Grail Module v.s. the 1086

    My LTD is equiped with EMG actives: the standard 81/85 combo. I have been very impressed with all the differences it has brought to my tone. I have many guitars, but the LTD is my favorite. Yes, I would describe the Mr Scary as honky. I trust your opinion and would like to hear a grail for...
  2. L

    Grail Module v.s. the 1086

    I was not impressed with Mr Scary, as I felt it was too midrangey and not clear enough, but rather opaque-sounding. If I like the 1086 and Modern sounds a little better than Mr Scary or Treadplate and way better than a 3 channel MB triple rec, do you think I would like the grail module and if...
  3. L

    Got my RM4 today

    Yeah, the clean is just a basic no frills clean sound. I have compared the blackface v. the plexi and I was surprised just how different they were. The blackface souded very clear and transparent with lots of headroom. The plexi has some of that tonal character, but not near as much as I...
  4. L

    I have a question about what the warranty really covers.

    I didn't talk with anyone who knew how I could get a hold of a nut, so I had to take it to someone. He charged a $40 deposit. When he gave it back to me, all he had done was put a new nut on it. He said that the channel switch dangling inside was or might have been grounding out against the...
  5. L

    New V2 in the house!

    Based on these clips from the Randall site, it seems like the SS has as bit more snarl and low-mid chunk and the tube is more transparent and fizzier, but a little mushier low end. I want a 2nd ear opinion. How do you compare them?
  6. L

    Ty Tabor from King's X praises the Randall MTS amps!

    I never kept up with his rig. When I found out he was using Randall and I bought the 1086, I became interested in what it was supposed to sound like.
  7. L

    I have a question about what the warranty really covers.

    I appreciate it. I will contact some local amp repair people in hopes that they can fix it, but honestly I feel it's something I could do myself, but I don't know where to get the part(s).
  8. L

    I have a question about what the warranty really covers.

    Anybody know where I can get what I need to fix this?
  9. L

    Ty Tabor from King's X praises the Randall MTS amps!

    Yes, I also thought that his Dogman tone was excellent, but he hates it now. It's even Doug Pinnick's favorite. I thought some of his POD tones were good. Better than many DI tones out there, but the Randall is better. On Ogre Tones: If I'm correct, he also used a Plexi module. Inside...
  10. L

    I have a question about what the warranty really covers.

    How much do you think? The problem is going to be where I can get it fixed.
  11. L

    I have a question about what the warranty really covers.

    I had been using the two rack units @ practices and everything was fine. We had a show coming up and I needed to buy a rack in which to put them. Obviously, since it's expensive tube equipment, I bought an SKB 8U shockmount rack because I also has some other stuff to go in it. Took my rack...
  12. L

    I have a question about what the warranty really covers.

    I have alreay registered my RM4, but an accident has occured and I need to know what Randall will cover and what they will not. I have already read the warranty and am not entirely clear on the wording. I am not going to post what happened, as I want to speak with someone who knows their stuff...