2 x RH150G3

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Jul 16, 2008
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I'm kinda new to heads and cabs, so ... here's my question:
I have two (2) Randall RH150G3 heads with two cabs of 200W. I want to use them together (in combination).

How do I set up this configuration? I already found on this forum how I can use the Randall 1 randall footswitch to control both heads. But I'm still looking for a way to play both heads and cabs with my guitar.

Thank you.
Why don't you just use one head to power both cabs? Each one should have two speaker outs. And then you have an exact backup amp if something happens.
Well, yeah ... but I'm thinking of wattage.

2 x 150W = 300W

I want to use both heads ... why? Well, because I have them.

I just need the best way to connect them.
Well...you could use an a/b switch and run a into head a/b into b. But I don't know of the quality of such switches

Or you could plug into one of them and use the line out, and plug that into the effects loop in on the other one and run a Master/Slave settup. And the master and slave both would run one cab each. And this way the Master head is the only one needing a footswitch.
I have a whirlwind from back in the day and thats a pretty reasonable AB switch, can do A/B/AB
Why don't you just run a line from the line out of one amp to the fx return of the other amp like a master slave setup. Thats what the line out is there for.
Forgot about the slave out on these amps! If you only want one tone from both heads, run GTR>Head1>SlaveOut>Head2 FX Return as suggested by metaldude, if you want to have a different tone on each amp you will need a switching pedal