4 MTS amps at once?

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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2010
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Hurtling through space on a wet rock.
Oh yes, I can do that.

Just received my 4 channel Voodoo Labs amp selector which will allow me to run a single guitar (buffered signal) into 4 heads/cabs and even lets me blend the signals with a volume pot on each.

Yes, it's overkill and no, I won't be using it live. But I will be able to do side by side comparisons with mods and power tubes more readily. That was the goal to begin with.

Isn't it a tad ironic that the very thing I love to hear is making me deaf? I think it's kinda like giving a crackhead a 4 load pipe.
I thought I was bad with 3 amps at a time...but 4 is crazy. I'm having an awesome time figuring out combinations that go together lately, it's addictive.
stemlife said:
4 load pipe?!?!? Now thats something worth R&D'ing! lol

I'm still toying with the idea of making a mod that uses the natural heat from the tubes as an "herbal diffuser." One detachable hose in the front and you can literally get down in front of your amp and have a toke while adjusting your settings..

It is the true "set it and forget it" method.
Mattfig said:
stemlife said:
4 load pipe?!?!? Now thats something worth R&D'ing! lol

I'm still toying with the idea of making a mod that uses the natural heat from the tubes as an "herbal diffuser." One detachable hose in the front and you can literally get down in front of your amp and have a toke while adjusting your settings..

It is the true "set it and forget it" method.

Let me know if you need a test subject for this! Too funny...
Well....That was straight up weird...I have a/b'd many setups...But never 4 of my own...So this was really interesting...

I got everything hooked up so that there was no noise (thanks to ISP) whatsoever...Very religious...

I am thinking of ideas to properly showcase it all via video...I had the Mesa Roadster in the mix too and gotta say that there are some mods through certain rigs that can get pretty close and arguably better (at some things)...

Riff by riff you can hear the British nature of the Stoner AD through EL34s and Greenbacks against the ameican grit of the Friedman RSC Plexi with 6CA7s through Neos...Similar tones? Absolutely. Wouldn't argue that for a second...Both awesome as ****? Yep.
stemlife said:
Mattfig said:
stemlife said:
4 load pipe?!?!? Now thats something worth R&D'ing! lol

I'm still toying with the idea of making a mod that uses the natural heat from the tubes as an "herbal diffuser." One detachable hose in the front and you can literally get down in front of your amp and have a toke while adjusting your settings..

It is the true "set it and forget it" method.

Let me know if you need a test subject for this! Too funny...

I'm pretty sure I've built it and have it around here somewhere...Just can't remember where at the moment...
Mattfig said:
Yes, it's overkill and no, I won't be using it live.

of course not. Once you've built your AmpFort(tm), you'll only be coming out for nourishment & waste expulsion (I hope). Unless you build a sink, a lav & a feedtube into the fort, and then everyone will only see you via increasingly demented video reviews & module comparisons, where you will eventually proclaim to be able to hear the difference in the modules with all amplifiers on standby and expounding the tonal virtues of waffle soled flipflops over Crocs for channel selection.
VitaminG said:
Mattfig said:
Yes, it's overkill and no, I won't be using it live.

of course not. Once you've built your AmpFort(tm), you'll only be coming out for nourishment & waste expulsion (I hope). Unless you build a sink, a lav & a feedtube into the fort, and then everyone will only see you via increasingly demented video reviews & module comparisons, where you will eventually proclaim to be able to hear the difference in the modules with all amplifiers on standby and expounding the tonal virtues of waffle soled flipflops over Crocs for channel selection.

I want this new Figgy Stoner Mod/ I can only imagine what the gain knob does. :D
VitaminG said:
Mattfig said:
Yes, it's overkill and no, I won't be using it live.

of course not. Once you've built your AmpFort(tm), you'll only be coming out for nourishment & waste expulsion (I hope). Unless you build a sink, a lav & a feedtube into the fort, and then everyone will only see you via increasingly demented video reviews & module comparisons, where you will eventually proclaim to be able to hear the difference in the modules with all amplifiers on standby and expounding the tonal virtues of waffle soled flipflops over Crocs for channel selection.

After further research I have determined that I can in fact hear modules just by a short telepathic chat...And waffle soled flipflops add an additional 4 milliseconds to channel switching due to the cushion-style of the soles...

My R&D has already begun so that I can mod flipflops to work properly with switching with no delay...Without going into full detail, it's a 3-way tight switch that can make your flip flop soft and mushy, normal, or firm...It will revolutionize your summer footwear and tone...
Mattfig said:
My R&D has already begun so that I can mod flipflops to work properly with switching with no delay...Without going into full detail, it's a 3-way tight switch that can make your flip flop soft and mushy, normal, or firm...It will revolutionize your summer footwear and tone...

Is that going to be the Viagra mod!! :D
Oyster said:
Mattfig said:
My R&D has already begun so that I can mod flipflops to work properly with switching with no delay...Without going into full detail, it's a 3-way tight switch that can make your flip flop soft and mushy, normal, or firm...It will revolutionize your summer footwear and tone...

Is that going to be the Viagra mod!! :D


The Amp Switcher is awesome...It's the best comparison tool I've had...Hearing my fave and familar amp against 3 competing amps and mods is a cool way to find new ideas...Plus it's a genuinely awesome way to find stereo pairs in places I wouldn't normally look...Like tonight's cool Voxless/Stonerverb combo...I mixed in and out others but it gets kinda overkill quick...However that combo sounds great together...There's been some others that I've liked but I keep going back to the same ones...

Anyway, all in good fun...I find peace immersed in tone...Fortunately I find peace in many places but tone can be a pretty place in the right state of mind... :) Truth.
That's a great way to arrive at combinations for serious recorded tone. Plus you can mic em up and get it all in one pass!