All who use a stereo MTS rig, looky here!

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Well-known member
Sep 29, 2008
Reaction score
The Netherlands
Hey guys, I was playing with a stereo setup by combining the RM4 with the Digitech GSP1101's preamp.
Then I ran into the problem which I've heard people mention before: phase.
Since some modules use less gain stages they have a different phase alignment and thus creates craptone when combined.

Now I found something interesting:
The post-loop out and pre-loop out are different phases (if that's how you say it :lol: ).
It turns out the buffer tube on the output flips the phase I guess.

So if you're running into this problem, adding an A/B switcher to choose between those two outputs might be your solution :)
It's not perfect, but it might save you shelling out a hundred bucks on a buffer unit with phase-flipping (Lehle P-Split or something)
Has anybody else run into this problem, how did you solve it with your rig?

Cheers, Joris
You'll also have a phase problem between the digital Digitech box and the RM4, due to it's A/D - D/A and DSP latency (it's physics), which may or may not sound the way you like?
djdayson said:
You'll also have a phase problem between the digital Digitech box and the RM4, due to it's A/D - D/A and DSP latency (it's physics), which may or may not sound the way you like?

Uh, what? I have a RP1000 that I use with the 4CM along with my RM100. Would this be an issue for me? It sounds good now so I am guessing not but maybe I just dialed it in around the issue.
If you are using the RM100's modules in "parallel" with the RP1000's amp models then you could have a problem.

If using the RP1000 for pre and post FX in "series" with the RM100's modules you'll be fine.

eyeball987 said:
djdayson said:
You'll also have a phase problem between the digital Digitech box and the RM4, due to it's A/D - D/A and DSP latency (it's physics), which may or may not sound the way you like?

Uh, what? I have a RP1000 that I use with the 4CM along with my RM100. Would this be an issue for me? It sounds good now so I am guessing not but maybe I just dialed it in around the issue.
No this unit has almost no latency, it's not the 80s anymore! ;)

Anyway, no I know that it is to do with the phases because when I switch in and out a gainstage on the Mash-all I can hear it fall into and out of phase.

I checked by recording it in stereo and flipping the phase of the mash-all track, and then it sounds good (with the one that sounded crap before).

This really only applies to guys who run 2 preamps / amps in stereo ;)
As long as you're not you should be cool.