Alternativ Rock: wich modules

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Jun 27, 2008
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I'm going to buy a randall rm100 in a few months, but I don't really know what kind of modules take.

I play alternativ rock, like the band "muse", so with very heavy riffs (metal tone! or more^^) but also with cleans and crunches...

I was thinking on :

-1086 or XTC

What do you think?
I want the cleanest clean for playing open chords and arpeggios, a very "british" crunch to more "hard rock" stuff and rythm, and a very modern high-gain sound for riffs.

Thx a lot for your help, and sorry for my English (I'm Swiss xD)
-Droopy- said:
I was thinking on :

-1086 or XTC

What do you think?

I'll throw a few thoughts here...

The Clean seems to be a module that few people enjoy; resale value is the lowest of any module- I saw it posted for $88 shipped and it still took a few days! I've heard people say it's too sterile; others say there's no headroom (?) For a cheap price it may be worth taking a listen, but there's better choices ...

The Blackface is a sound people love for character and KH1 seems to deliver CLEAN loud. I have Deluxe which I really enjoy and plan on modifying to get Blackface tones on a switch.

The Plexi clips are very impressive, so I just grabbed one on order tonight. Should be a cool module and I haven't heard anything but love for this mod

XTC is a super module for Leads. I guess one could use it for rhythm but it surprisingly falls short in comparison to other modules. For me it actually goes great with the Treadplate, which I dig for rhythm, but not leads- so it's a good match.

1086 has mixed reviews- my impression is that it could be a great flexible module getting an array of tones, but perhaps each tone can be beat out by another mod- but no mod has the Flexibility of this one.

I'm on order for a Treadplate mod which will deliver an Orange tone- if that delivers as I expect that will be my favorite as I love Orange and the Treadplate stock. I'll report back next month on that.

I only have experience with my mods listed, so I'm kind of speaking out of the reading I've done.

Good Luck amigo!
Actually, my question is:
Is it better for me to have a clean/crunch/hi-gain setting or a clean/hi-gain/lead setting