Anyone make a device to use one module?

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Oct 5, 2007
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I'm new here, and to Egnaters in general, though I'm very excited to finally try one. Bruce told me to inquire about this, since he doesn't have time to do it himself, and I need something before the two-module unit comes out.

Has anyone made a unit that enables one to use only one module? Cause I could use one! Let me know.

Wait, that's a combo, right? I need just a preamp. Could it be gutted easily or something?
I think the head would suit your needs .

it has some VERY cool bonuses too.

It is one mod slot. but you also get and adjustable Boost and tube od section.
so if you use a hot gain mod can just use the boost for solos OR if you use a lower mid gain tone use the extra tube gain stage for dirt.

you also get and FX loop ..and a very good Direct out with speaker simulation voicing (Dark, Bright, Normal) to add to it .

the unit also feature the Density and presence for the power amp .
Versatile .sounds good , not to costly
I don't want the head cause I'd need a load box, right? Unless the fact that it has a direct out implies that it has an internal load as well.
If you are just using the Mic Eliminator for silent recording, then you don't need an external load. The RM20HB will be the least expensive way being able to use one module plus you get the DI, FX Loop, and Boost.
I guess I could use that then... I wonder how much of it could be gutted in order to make it as light as possible. It's just gonna be the clean channel for my Naylor until the 2-module preamp comes out.