Anyone used an RM4 for direct recording?

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Dec 4, 2009
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If so what did you use for speaker sim? I'm considering the Carl Martin Rock Bug and Redwirez impulses, but i'd like to hear what others have used and their results!
I've been using 11Rack. Sounds good enough to give inspiration, create ideas...actually so good that my original plan or reamping may not be as high a priority as I once envisioned. Amp/mic sounds better, but di is very good.

RedWire has great reviews, so I'm sure that will deliver the goods

Check this EQ ttechnique out- excellent for di guitars
I tried some IRs..running in a Reverb progam called impulse..anyway, I wasnt happy...I suppose if I spend millions of hrs with the real mics on real1s Id know they sound just that thin..
but I wind up using a ada cab for me.

If I had megabux Id get the 11 or some other AxFx device..but hey we're in a deep recession. And frankly, I LIKE the ada box.
Record all my demo's/songs direct, with an IR loaded into my GSP. (same effect as o the PC but I'm lazy).

This is the IR I made from several free ones, like the GuitarHack ones.
The GuitarHacks are very good in the high end and tight, but they don't have the mids and fatness, so mixing with some other fuller ones makes this the perfect speakersim for me.

What DAW are you using?

I used to use the standard plugin in Reaper, called ReaVerb.
KeFIR is also good.
I use a couple of Hughes and Kettner Red Box Pro direct boxes coupled between the RM4's post-effects loop out and various recording setups. The Red Box has an XLR out that takes phantom power.

I was about to sell the Red Box Pro's until I tried this set up. Now I'm happy I kept them.
I'm using a GSP1101 for effects and cab sims right now. What's really cool is if you get the MustBeBeta firmware, you can load your own impulses. I think only the Axe-FX can do that in the DSP (Line6 Pods, 11 rack etc.) world.
disk11 said:
I'm using a GSP1101 for effects and cab sims right now. What's really cool is if you get the MustBeBeta firmware, you can load your own impulses. I think only the Axe-FX can do that in the DSP (Line6 Pods, 11 rack etc.) world.
Hey same here!
The added overdrives are also pretty cool in the beta's :)
I use a RM4 into Logic (DAW). For speaker sims, I use Redwirez loaded into Space Designer, which is Logics convolution plugin.

RedWirez just came out with there own IR loader, and I think I'll be getting it to try. It's similar to the Recab 3 IR loader, from what I understand, but I'm sticking with RedWirez.
I use Redwire IRs with Waves IR1 (which I also use for general "venue" reverb) with the POD HD unless the HD cab is acceptable. There are some better than others. It's good enough. I have the Waves Doubler plugin anyway so I use that on the guitar if it sounds too thin. Works fine.

Then I'm not doing much lead stuff with guitars anyway. I hate playing lead. Much prefer rhythm or bass.
Don't have RM4 at the moment, but I'd use this If I have one :)
Works pretty well with my Sansamp PSA and Dirt Pedals!!
I've used

-Hughes & Kettner Red box (passive one)
-Rocktron Piranha's emulated outputs (using it's returns)
-Lexicon MPX G2's sims

The trouble I had with all three was the amount of boomy low end
Having no module except my blackface higher up than 9 o'clock on the bass pot
the G2 luckily has a bandpass EQ feature where I could cut down everything below 80hz

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