Best EL34's for my RM100 w/ matching 4x12 (celestion 70-80s)

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Jun 2, 2007
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Hi there. I have a few problems with my RM100.

1. One of the stock tubes (ie. EL34EH) is turning faint orange. I replaced it with some German EL34 and it did the job but I am still not satisfied.

2. Power fuses blow so often! What's the cause? I use the prescribed power fuses with the correct current rating.

3. I don't know if 1 & 2 are related, but I do intend to change the power tubes soon. Maybe that can solve the problem??

I have Clean, XTC, Plexi and Rectified modules. I want EL34's that can get complex high mids for that Marshall roar (Plexi module with gain at 3 o'clock) and cranking the amp's master at around 2 o'clock. That is my main rhythm sound. As for leads I do like the XTC for that. But then I also have a Rectified module, which I feel would love 6L6s, but I do not like switching EL34 to 6L6 power tubes just to get more bottom.

What EL34 can get the best rich upper mids, but at the same time can make the Rectified module sound more Recto, like a Tremoverb?

Am I a candidate for

E-H 6CA7EH's?
JJ KT77's?
JJ E34L's?

Please help. I'm about to order tubes in a day or two. Thanks!
You have the exact same setup as me and my RM100 also kept blowing power fuses and I mean 3 a week!!! on any power supply for the 1st few weeks, its running fine now tho.... :?

I also have 70/80's and switch between EL34EH and E34L however the E34L kinda sound a little dull compared to the EL34EH
" I want EL34's that can get complex high mids for that Marshall roar"

You may want to try Ruby EL34BSTR or EL34 SED =C=.Give a good Marshall roar and midrange.