Best/Favorite speakers to use with modules

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Apr 24, 2011
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I searched the forum for a thread that would outline what speakers players are using in conjunction with their favorite modules to get "That Tone." Since I didnt really find anything I thought I would start one.

So, please list what modules you are using and with what type cab/speaker combo, and the type of music you are going for so we can have a searchable list. Try to give as much info as possible such as tubes, guitars, pick-ups, etc... so others can get an idea of how they may use the info to help achieve a certain tone.

If there is a list and I just missed it please let me know. I will gladly delete this thread.
I am really digging my Scumback M75's (100 watt versions) in an Egnater TM2X12 for 80's/90's tones. I also liked the ET65's I had for a while.

I tried a V30 and I found it too dark for my tastes. Maybe I am just too used to the warmth and crispness of the M75's? I don't know. I do think that the V30 sounded good in a vid clip I made even though I didn't like it in the room.
Eminence Jet City speakers (similar to Swamp Thang).
Modules EH 12AX7, JJ ECC83
One of the combinations I use is a RM50 with Ruby 6L6GCMSTR, a 5751
for PI, a Top Boost and a SL+ or Top Boost and Modern.
Speaker is an Eminence Maverick with a variable magnetic field.
An old "Hytron" 12ax7 in V1 position. Main guitar is a Strat clone I built at
Fodera Guitars when I worked there. Alder body, Lindy Fralin pups (standard
winding) classic trem.
Mainly play blues.
Believe it or not, the stock top boost does a pretty good SRV tone if you
turn up the masters and use the volume on the module around 4 or 5.
I'm still pretty new to the MTS stuff, but a Peavey 5150 slant 4x12 with WGS ET65's and WGS Veteran 30's in an X pattern is my all purpose favorite so far. Some others that I've tried are Sheffield 1200, Hellatone 60, Celestion G12T-75, Marshall Goldback, Rola alnico, and a Marshall 1960a cabinet. None were terrible in any combination. Hate to sound like the WGS sales pitch but the combo above really does sound best to me. Stock RM100 with CLEAN, XTC, SL+, and Ultra XL modules. Various Ibanez and BC Rich guitars. 80's sound.
The WGS speakers are good. I have nothing bad to say about them. I have had the 80's, 65's, and 30's.
My Carvin cab uses their GT100s. Lots of punch and bass.
Not a woofy bass I find with many Peavey cabs. Im not
saying thats a bad thing. I know thats how they design them.
My actual favorite all around is my practice 212 Vox cab. I
use my RM20 through it and its a killer set up to me. The
vox cab has their Wharfdale speakers in it. 30watts each.
I think they discontinued the cab. It compliments every
module I use it with.
V30s were the choice for MTS stuff. Of curse, it's subjective and depends on the tone you're going after.
I got V30s in my MTS 2X12 cab and my RM50 combo has G12-75. Port City cabs are currently the Ferrari of cabs. They suppose to really push air and headroom more than other cabs, letting you hear more of the true sound of the amp.
I am with Eyeball on the Scumback speaker, I run an H55 and Scumnico, 65 and 100w respectively, coupled with old pre tubes, and EL34/6L6 combo, I get some great sounds. For some reason, the amp needs to run about 30 to 45 min to get the right feel?

Good luck!
speedemon said:
I am with Eyeball on the Scumback speaker, I run an H55 and Scumnico, 65 and 100w respectively, coupled with old pre tubes, and EL34/6L6 combo, I get some great sounds. For some reason, the amp needs to run about 30 to 45 min to get the right feel?

Good luck!

Most tube amps will change a bit in tone and feel as the tubes get nice and hot.
eyeball987 said:
speedemon said:
I am with Eyeball on the Scumback speaker, I run an H55 and Scumnico, 65 and 100w respectively, coupled with old pre tubes, and EL34/6L6 combo, I get some great sounds. For some reason, the amp needs to run about 30 to 45 min to get the right feel?

Good luck!

Most tube amps will change a bit in tone and feel as the tubes get nice and hot.

I use Eminence Governors in a vertical oversized 2x12.
They are V30-ish with the sharp high end rounded off and more efficiency.

Honestly, I can't comment on any comparisons, because I haven't properly tried any other speakers.
But a friend's Marshall 1960 cab sounds more scooped and crisp to me (Celestion G12t-75s I believe)
So it sounds better on its own, I think mine sits better in the mix.

I like the prescence and balls of the Governors, they work well with any tone, maybe not so much the superheavies, but that's not what I'm aiming at.
Wow....I'm amazed at the variety of answers here....Those Jet City cabs are cheap but this is now the 3rd forum I've read they were great...I'm just surprised it wasn't V30 +1000 ... I'd love to hear the Super Vs though...What do they most compare to? Anyone got an idea?
Hi Mattfig...I own a few Super V's....They sound fairly neutral, warm, sort of like a Celestion G12H-100...They are great when matched up with ET-65's, G12H-30's Rinehardt GH 65 LC's ect
Mattfig said:
Wow....I'm amazed at the variety of answers here.
That variety of answers is in my opinion a testament to the versatility of the MTS line :wink:
I also have 4 British V30s in two open back cabs and 8 Jensen 10"
in 2 4x10 cabs. Those are mostly used w/RT2/50. And 4x10" Kendrick
speakers in an old Sonic Cab and a GWSA w/ 2x12 Fane alnicos and....
This stuff never ends
i at one stage had 9 4x12's stacked up in my bedroom, 3x3.

I went through the most vigorous stage of trying to find the best speaker/cab, (and also at the same time trying to keep in mind as a tour musician the availability of these cabs as something so personal and particular would not always be available on the road)

Marshall 1960A with T75's then eventually converted to greenbacks (sweet cab!), Marshall 1960B with G12 100's, Rivera 4x12 with V30's, Orange 4x12 V30's, Ashton 4x12 T75's, Mesa Standard 4x12 V30's, Randall 4x12 V30's, Marshall Mode 4 K100's, and finally a Mesa Rectifier 4x12 V30's.

After alot of gigs and time spent on each cab (and i mean a **** load of time!), and the last addition to the collection (Mesa Rectifier) I never looked back. The v30's don't always sound great infront of the cab or in a room jamming, but in a band mix and live, they just cut so well, and really, thats when it matters right? How good the sound is live? Because the slight dullness/maybe flabby bottom end or shrill highs that we all probably hear from time to time again disappears in a full band mix.

I've now been building custom guitar cabinets and have been having great results with people bringing their own stuff around now and comparing.

I've almost completed 2 2x12's, one replicating the Mesa Recto 2x12 and another replicating the Lonestar 2x12 open back, one for dirty, one for cleans :)

Gotta love MTS's versatility!

Just my 2 cents, does not mean at all i'm right :) peace!
Thanks for the info Rod....I gotta try those babies out!

And Tbag, wow....9 412s in one room...It must have looked like a KISS concert in there...Happen to have any pics? Man, you've owned some killer stuff....What is your go to now?
You guys are putting up some pretty awesome gear! Im with MattFig on the fact that im pleasantly surprised that its not ALL v30's!

I also agree with everyone who is commenting on the versatility of the MTS line. With that said, I have found a speaker that Im not too fond of using a plexi module with; Electro Voice EVL 12M. It has waaaay too much mids to the point that it overpowers the highs and lows.

The gear is a RM50HBP with Groove Tube GTEL34M's in the power section, Sovtek 12ax7's, stock plexi module running into a Mesa 3/4 back 1x12 with the EVL 12M. The guitars im trying it with: Gibson Les Paul w/ Burstbuckers; Standard Strat w/ stock pups; and an Ibanez RG w/ a Steves Special in the bridge, Evo in the neck.(the best sounding guitar with the plexi and cab so far) Although Ive been thinking about hooking up a 10-band EQ I have to pull back the mids, I've been trying to leave it as unmolested as possible so I have a great tone as the foundation rather than just a bunch of effects and parlor tricks creating the tone.

Im considering either trading for a c-90 or something similar or the possibility of just purchasing another speaker and keeping the EV since its a 200w speaker.

Again, you guys are giving me a tone of GAS with all these cabs/speakers! Keep'em comin'!