Best pick ups for RM100?

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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2007
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Just been really digging my RM100. My main axe is an 1981 Les Paul with P90s. these pups sound great, they literally scream through with a lot of harmonics and full frequency. The only problem is, anyone who ever used P90s will know, that they are very noisy pups, even noisier than single coils (my SRV Strat is way quieter).
I'm considering changing pickups for this very reason, it is an old Les Paul, so I don't want to devalued it by routing out the P90 slots, but if I have to, I will.
Any recomendation would be greatly appreciated .
What are some of your favorite pups to run with your MTS set up?
BTW for gain, I'm into tones like Lukather, Lynch and Landau. For clean, it's jazz like Wes, Metheny, Bickert.
I cannot recommend Suhr pickups highly enough. My Suhr standard destroys my PRS though the MOD 50 in every way.

If you like how your LP sounds, don't eff with the pickups. Just get an ISP Decimator pedal to kill the noise.
Scooter said:
If you like how your LP sounds, don't eff with the pickups. Just get an ISP Decimator pedal to kill the noise.
Yes, or put a set of Lace PS-900/ 905s in it! It's a side-winder pickup with more of a traditional tone.

While I'm at it I'd like to place a vote for Lace pickups in generall. One would have to look high and low for anything of a similar frequency response and harmonic content.
Scooter said:
If you like how your LP sounds, don't eff with the pickups. Just get an ISP Decimator pedal to kill the noise.
I used to run a Rocktron Hush unit with my rack gear, but those things do alter the tone, compressing the signal, so i stopped using it. How do you find the ISP as far as altering the RM100 tone?
joey_truelove said:
Scooter said:
If you like how your LP sounds, don't eff with the pickups. Just get an ISP Decimator pedal to kill the noise.
Yes, or put a set of Lace PS-900/ 905s in it! It's a side-winder pickup with more of a traditional tone.

I'll have to look into these> I've been checking out the EMG, I didn't know Lace make noiseless P90s as well.
thanks 4 the tip,