Best STOCK mods? Looking to buy today need help

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Well-known member
Jun 21, 2008
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Pittsburgh, PA USA
Right now I have a Randall RM100 w/ two modules (clean and XTC) and I'm looking for the final piece. I prefer the clean compared to the Blackface. Sounded similair to me, didn't breka up as fast and uses efx better. I love the XTC sounds exactly like the lead guitarists Carvin Legacy. I'm looking for either a high gain mod for the chug or a Marshall like modern rock distortion.
Check into the Ultra XL, 1086, and the Grail. I really like my Ultra XL stock for high gain. I've only heard about the 1086 and grail - if you're looking to mod down the road, the Pete 1086 is getting high praise. My JCM800 Modded SL+ is pretty sweet for the Marshall tones - check into that as well.
I'm a total gain head, and I did not like the 1086 stock at the time I got it, I already had lots of mods with mods, and while the 1086 had a variety of tones, none were as good as my other choices. However, due to public pressure (I'm talking to you Mailman and Pedro) I must get another one to send off to Pete, as that seems to be a beast!

Hi Gain chug or Marshall, you must choose a path.
I bet the newer SL+ with the 800 mod would be a solid stock choice for Marshall.

You know what, if you plan on being in the mts family for a while, just look around for a deal on a used piece, after time, you can find most of them at a decent price, and flip them if it's not you're flavor.

Current deal of the day may be that Russ DFriedman TopBoost- not the hi gain you're targeting, but great bang for the buck for a reputable member
If you can't make up your mind, the 1086 is a good one to get. hi/lo gain switches, and mid voicing to go from chug/marshall.
My vote (albeit inexperienced)
The SL+
It can do rock rhythm and does lead well, too.
It has the character "Marshall" tone so many are after and it's a close facimile.
I'm sure several other modules can do a similar trick if EQed right.
The Grail is probably the next one I'll buy, but I'm also concidering the 1086.
But I already own a Plexi and an SL+ module. (I have my basic Marshall sounds)
If this is priority to you, get the SL+

My 2?
Thanks everyone for the input. I decided to order the SL+. Anxious for it to arrive. I purchased it new, so hopefully it has the JCM mod. Thanks to the posters, I now know what to look for. I decided against getting a high gain one, since I can boost my XTC to get a nice chug.
heard the KH-1 clean was nice tho. Good at loud levels. What's some other good clean mods? I have/had both clean and blackface, stuck with clean over blackface.
clean over BFace, wow. Not many in that camp. I never tried the clean though...

KH1 sounds a bit like a modded BFace, supposed to be good with active pu, I used mine with passive and it was cool, seeemed to have a tad more hi end chime
I use EMGs that why I chose the clean mod. BLackface is why to chimey, high treble, Plus I use efx such as chorus, delay, phaser, to clean it up
crankyrayhanky said:
However, due to public pressure (I'm talking to you Mailman and Pedro) I must get another one to send off to Pete, as that seems to be a beast!

JUST DO IT AND DON'T HESITATE :lol: ... i've been playing the 1086 and XL side by side...and I do love the XL, but 1086 with Pete's mods, bass reduction, the gain boost that comes stock, clarity\warmth, and the hi-freq gain boost, there's a load sounds you can dial in. It's a great piece of machinery! :wink:

SO....1086, XL, Modern sounds good as well,

Hmmm......stock I would go with either a 1086 or Ultra XL and a Grail and the KH2 module. That would cover all the bases for rock/metal tone stock.
I have to agree on the 1086 - sounds great stock. I also like the Grail and Super V stock.
I agree with 1086.

I have 1086, Treaplate modded to Grail, and SL+.

With the 1086 I can do everything that the SL+ can do an more. Also it sounds more open/alive than the SL+ to me.

I have tried tube swapps and boosting but I just cant get my SL+ to sound as good as the 1086.