Bogner Alchemist -> Module?

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Active member
Nov 17, 2008
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I realize the XTC is based on the Bogner Ecstasy.

I recently played through the Bogner Alchemist and fell in love. I love having that much gain and still have lots of definition. I play everything from sludgy southern metal to grind.

Can anyone give me some suggestions on what module would be best for duplicating the alchemist? Tube suggestions? Anything?
Thats the new bogner amp head right? Man....I played it about 15 minutes and the clean sounded ok, but the gain side sounded like crap. I dialed in everything I could. Did not like it at all. Even the manager at the music store took me to the side and said "these things are terrible"
I think just about anything from the MTS would blow it away. Get a XTC and send it out to Pete to mod it out. You will be surprised on what a good modded module will sound like if you want that "Heavy yet articulate" sound.
I listened to the samples on the Bogner site and I'd say it's pretty close to the Randall XTC. The Bogner has a more pronounced and less mushy bottom to it with a lump in the 90Hz range (guessing) like the Uberschall. The Bogner also sounds brighter overall. I'd say a modified XTC module would get you very close.